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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses both the primary and secondary equity markets throughout the world
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Chapter Objective: This chapter serves to begin our discussion of world financial markets and institutions
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Chapter Objectives: This chapter serves to introduce the student to the institutional framework within which exchange rates are determined. This chapter lays the foundation for much of the discussion throughout the remainder of the text, thus it deserves your careful attention
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Chapter Objective: This chapter serves to introduce the student to the institutional framework within which: International payments are made. The movement of capital is accommodated. Exchange rates are determined
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5.1领导概述 5.2领导特质理论 5.3领导行为理论 5.4领导权变或情境理论
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一、影响传热膜系数的因素 1、流体流动状态 层流:忽略自然对流时,层流底层=r湍流:主要热阻在层流层,Re↑,边界层减薄,a(注意管件、内构件影响,Re层2000?)
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7.1决策的概念与过程 7.2决策的分类与原理 7.3决策的方法与技术 7.4现代决策理论的发展
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21.1数字电路概述 21.2晶体管的开关特性 21.3分立元件门电路 21.4TTL门电路 21.5MOS门电路 21.6逻辑代数 21.7组合逻辑电路的分析与综合 21.8加法器 21.9编码器 21.10译码器及显示电路 21.11数据分配器及数据选择器
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第一节激励概述 第二节激励理论 第三节人性理论 第四节激励方法
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17.1质量管理理念 17.2质量管理范式 17.3质量管理工具与方法
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