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Managing innovation is a necessary skill for senior management of all food companies producing new raw materials, new ingredients or new consumer products. Company growth and even survival depends on the introduction of successful new products into old and new markets. The dividing line between product success and failure depends on many factors, but the most important are new product qualities, skills and resources of the company, market and marketing proficiency, and an organised product development process
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材料 材料科学与工程 金属材料 无机非金属材料 高分子材料 复合材料
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Ohm's law states that voltage across many types of conducting materials is directly proportional to the current flowing through the material. U= Ri or R= i R--resis tance()( linear resistor) The resistor is a passive element that cannot deliver power or store energy
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3.1 Chemistry developed out of interest in materials The ability to control fire allowed ancient people to prepare copper(7000 years ago) and iron (3200 years ago) for tools and weapons
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8. 1 Water molecules form an open crystalline structure in ice When water freezes. the water molecules arrange themselves in a six-sided crystalline structure. Increased structural orderliness usually means increased density. Solids and crystals have high structural orderliness and are thus denser than liquid and non-crystalline materials. But water is exception
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18.1 Paper is made of cellulose fibers Paper was first made HARDWOOD FIBERS in China as early as AD 100, of mulberry bark, and then introduced to Western world by Arabs in eighth century. The first paper mills were built in spain in 11th century
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一、物质波(materials waves) 法国物理学家德布罗意(Louis Victor de Broglie 1892-1987) 思想方法自然界在许多方 面都是明显地对称的,他采用类 比的方法提出物质波的假设
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dscnibed in these materials are potentially hazardous and require a high level ofsafcty training special facilitics and equ by approp lividuak You bear the sole responsibility, liability, and risk for the in plementation of such safety procedures and measures. MIT shall have no responsibility, liability, or risk for the content or implementation of amy of the matcrial presented. Legal Notices
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1—1.材料力学的任务(Basic Task of Mechanics of Materials) 1—2.材料力学与生产实践的关系 1—3.可变形固体的性质及其基本假设 Deformable Solids and their Basic Hypotheses 1—4.材料力学主要研究对象(杆件)的几何特征
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1.1 The Definition of Metabolism The highly integrated network of chemical transformations. Degradation (decreasing order, thus energy releasing) to provide energy, catabolism; Synthesis (increasing order, thus energy consuming) to provide building materials, anabolism
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