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数列极限是考察数列在n→∞这一过程中的变化 总趋势(即有无极限).而对于函数y=f(x),当考察它的 变化总趋势时,因自变量的连续变化过程有许多情况, 如x→∞,x→-00,x→0,x→x,x→xi等
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重点: 1.电路等效的概念; 2.电阻的串、并联; 3.Y—变换; 4.电压源和电流源的等效变换;
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当响应变量是定性变量时的非线性模型 两种可能的结果,成功或失败,患病的或没 有患病的,出席的或缺席的 实例:CAD(y)是年龄,体重,性别,吸烟 历史,血压的函数 ·吸烟者或不吸烟者是家庭历史,同年龄组行 为,收入,年龄的函数 今年购买一辆汽车是收入,当前汽车的使用 年限,年龄的函数
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1.证明下列不等式 (1)|x-y2|x- (2)+x+…x1sx+x+…+x: (3)|x1+x2+…xn+x|2|x|-(|x1|+|x21|+…+|xn1)
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一、已知无源二端网络ab端电压u=50√2cos(103t+10°)V 电流i=5√2cos(103t-26.9°)A a i 则网络的输入阻抗Z=8+j6 输入导纳y=0.08j0.06S
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在这一章中,我们将研究从线性赋范空间X到另一个线性赋 范空间F中的映照,亦称算子.如果Y是数域,则称这种算子为泛 函.算子和泛函我们并不陌生.例如微分算子D=云就是从连续 可微函数空间C[an6]到Ca,b]E的算子,而黎曼积分(t)dt 就是连续函数空间Ca,b]上的泛函.如果说函数是数和数之间 的对应,那末算子可说是函数和函数之间的对应,不过这是更高 级的对应而巳
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson notes Lesson 2: Economic Transactions and Accounting Equation Learning objectives This lesson begins with a discussion of the purpose of a business, including a discussion of forms of organizations. Next, the nature of
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University L Note Lesson 4 Adjusting Accounts for Financial Statement Learning objectives Describe the purpose of adjusting accounts at the end of the peric 2. Prepare and explain adjusting entries for
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Ever since last Novem ber, I have been wanting to ex press in person my gratit ude to the generas ity of Alfred Nobel, to w hom i ow e it t hat I am privileged be here today, es pecial y since ill ness prevented me from doi ng so at the proper time. the idealism w hic h permeated his char acter led him to make his magnifice nt foundation for the benefit of a cl ass of men with w hose aims and view poi nt his ow n scienti fic instincts and a bility had made him naturally his
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