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一、无穷小(Infinitesimal) 分limf(x)-|=0 lim[(x)-A]=0 lima(x)=0 a(x)= f(x)-A 即,每一个有极限的函数f(x)都与一个趋于0的函数f(x)-A联系着。 因此,以0为极限的函数在极限理论和极限的计算中扮演着特殊而重要的角色
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I At about this point, a feeling of loneliness may begin to overtake us__ an \epistemic loneliness.\ For the egocentric predicament is really an epistcmologica1 condition: isolation within a world of our own making. We live in a shell, so to speak, a private, personal shell inside which takes place an immense variety of experiences
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I At about this point, a feeling of loneliness may begin to overtake us__ an \epistemic loneliness.\ For the egocentric predicament is really an epistcmologica1 condition: isolation within a world of our own making. We live in a shell, so to speak, a private, personal shell inside which takes place an immense variety of experiences
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The book is divided into five sections: 1 The Business Model Canvas, a tool for describing, analyzing, and designing business models, 2 Business Model Patterns, based on concepts from leading business thinkers, 3 Techniques to help you design business models, 4 Re-interpreting strategy through the business model lens, and 5 A generic process to help you design innovative business models, tying together all the concepts, techniques, and tools in Business Model Generation. The last section offers an outlook on five business model topics for future exploration. Finally, the afterword provides a peek into “the making of” Business Model Generation
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1 Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction 1. Experiments ① A magnet and ② two loops of wire,a loop of wire battery and a switch A current is observed in the loop as long as the magnetic flux through the loop is changing with time
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1范围 本方法测定水质中苯并(a)芘(以下简称B(a)P) 本方法适用于饮用水、地面水、生活污水、工业污水、工业废水,最低检出浓度为0.004ig/L 注意:B(a)P是一种由五个环构成的多环芳轻,它是多环芳烃类的强致癌代表物
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1、了解DAC、ADC的分类及主要参数; 2、掌握集成D/A转换器芯片DAC0832的应用 3、掌握集成A/D转换器芯片ADC0809的应用  第1、2学时:A/D转换集成芯片及其应用  第3、4学时:D/A转换集成芯片及其应用
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1、一个40KW、10Q的电阻,使用时至多能容许A的电流通过。 2、若流入某一节点有4个电流,已知i1=5A,i2=2A,3=-3A,那么
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2-1基本概念 概率( probability 频率 fn(A)==Na/N P(ALim fn(A) 古典概率的定义 2. Laplace在《概率的理论分析》(1812)中的定义 P(A==k/N 式中,k为A所含基本事件数 N为基本事件总数 适用条件
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