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7.1时序逻辑电路的特点与分类 7.2时序逻辑电路的分析 7.3时序逻辑电路的设计
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10.1 电子设计自动化概述 10.2 简单可编程逻辑器件 10.3 高密度可编程逻辑器件 10.4 PLD开发工具Max+plusⅡ
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输入外设:键盘、BCD码拨盘等; 输出外设:LED显示器、LCD显示器、打印机等
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反应精馏 1、 设计精馏分离乙醇和乙酸 2、沸点:78, 116
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一、结构自重 二、土的自重 三、雪荷载 四、汽车荷载 五、楼面和屋面活荷载 六、 施工和检修荷载及栏杆水平荷载
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Prototyping Analog Circuits Evaluation Boards Noise Reduction and Filtering for Switching Power Supplies Low Dropout References and Regulators EMI/RFI Considerations Sensors and Cable Shielding
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:561.53KB 文档页数:25
ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Amplifier Input Stage Overvoltage Amplifier Output Voltage Phase Reversal Understanding and Protecting Integrated Circuits from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:502.43KB 文档页数:33
Fundamentals of Undersampling Increasing ADC SFDR and ENOB using External SHAs Use of Dither Signals to Increase ADC Dynamic Range Effect of ADC Linearity and Resolution on SFDR and Noise in Digital Spectral Analysis Applications Future Trends in Undersampling ADCs
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HIGH RESOLUTION SIGNAL CONDITIONING ADCs Walt Kester, James Bryant, Joe Buxton The trend in ADCs and DACs is toward higher speeds and higher resolutions at reduced power levels. Modern data converters generally operate
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三次方程 求根的Cardan公式: 1、设计一个求立方根的函数
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