SECTION 9 HARDWARE DESIGN TECHNIQUES Prototyping Analog Circuits Evaluation boards Noise Reduction and Filtering for Switching Power Supplies Low Dropout References and Regulators ■ EMI/RFI Considerations Sensors and Cable Shielding
1 SECTION 9 HARDWARE DESIGN TECHNIQUES Prototyping Analog Circuits Evaluation Boards Noise Reduction and Filtering for Switching Power Supplies Low Dropout References and Regulators EMI/RFI Considerations Sensors and Cable Shielding
section 9 HARDWARE DESIGN TECHNIQUES Walt Kester, James Bryant, Walt Jung Adolfo garcia, John McDonald PROTOTYPING AND SIMULATING ANALOG CIRCUITS walt Kester, James Bryant the analog designer has acquired in the last decade or so, there is equally no doub While there is no doubt that computer analysis is one of the most valuable tools th initial test circuit or"bread board"is not correctly constructed, It may suffer from that analog circuit models are not perfect and must be verified with hardware. If the malfunctions which are not the fault of the design but of the physical structure of the breadboard itself. This section considers the art of successful breadboarding of high performance analog circuits Real electronic circuits contain many"components "which were not present in the circuit diagram, but which are there because of the physical properties of conductors, circuit boards, IC packages, etc. These components are difficult, if not impossible, to incorporate into computer modeling software, and yet they have substantial effects on circuit performance at high resolutions, or high frequencies, or It is therefore inadvisable to use SPice modeling or similar software to predict the ultimate performance of such high performance analog circuits. After modeling is complete, the performance must be verified by experiment. This is not to say that sPice modeling is valueless- far from it. Most modern high performance analog circuits could never have been developed without the aid of SPICE and similar programs, but it must be remembered that such simulations are only as good as the models used, and these models are not perfect. We have seen the effects of parasitic components arising from the conductors, insulators and components on the PCB, but it is also necessary to appreciate that the models used within SPice simulations are not perfect models Consider an operational amplifier. It contains some 20-40 transistors, almost as many resistors, and a few capacitors. A complete SPiCe model will contain all these components, and probably a few of the more important parasitic capacitances and spurious diodes formed by the diffusions in the op-amp chip This is the model that the designer will have used to evaluate the device during his design. In simulations such a model will behave very like the actual op-amp, but not exactly
2 SECTION 9 HARDWARE DESIGN TECHNIQUES Walt Kester, James Bryant, Walt Jung, Adolfo Garcia, John McDonald PROTOTYPING AND SIMULATING ANALOG CIRCUITS Walt Kester, James Bryant While there is no doubt that computer analysis is one of the most valuable tools that the analog designer has acquired in the last decade or so, there is equally no doubt that analog circuit models are not perfect and must be verified with hardware. If the initial test circuit or "breadboard" is not correctly constructed, it may suffer from malfunctions which are not the fault of the design but of the physical structure of the breadboard itself. This section considers the art of successful breadboarding of high performance analog circuits. Real electronic circuits contain many "components" which were not present in the circuit diagram, but which are there because of the physical properties of conductors, circuit boards, IC packages, etc. These components are difficult, if not impossible, to incorporate into computer modeling software, and yet they have substantial effects on circuit performance at high resolutions, or high frequencies, or both. It is therefore inadvisable to use SPICE modeling or similar software to predict the ultimate performance of such high performance analog circuits. After modeling is complete, the performance must be verified by experiment. This is not to say that SPICE modeling is valueless - far from it. Most modern high performance analog circuits could never have been developed without the aid of SPICE and similar programs, but it must be remembered that such simulations are only as good as the models used, and these models are not perfect. We have seen the effects of parasitic components arising from the conductors, insulators and components on the PCB, but it is also necessary to appreciate that the models used within SPICE simulations are not perfect models. Consider an operational amplifier. It contains some 20-40 transistors, almost as many resistors, and a few capacitors. A complete SPICE model will contain all these components, and probably a few of the more important parasitic capacitances and spurious diodes formed by the diffusions in the op-amp chip. This is the model that the designer will have used to evaluate the device during his design. In simulations, such a model will behave very like the actual op-amp, but not exactly
SPICE MODELING SPICE modeling is a powerful tool for predicting the performance of analog circuits Analog Devices provides macromodels for over 450 ICs HOWEVER Models omit real-life effects No model can simulate all the parasitic effects of discrete components and a PcB layout THEREFORE Prototypes must be built and proven before production. Figure 9.1 However, this model is not published, as it contains too much information which would be of use to other semiconductor companies who might wish to copy or improve on the design. It would also take far too long for a simulation of a system containing such models of a number of op-amps to reach a useful result. For these and other reasons, the SPiCe models of analog circuits published by manufacturers or software companies are"macro"models, which simulate the major features of the component, but lack some of the fine detail. Consequently, SPicE modeling does not always reproduce the exact performance of a circuit and should always be verified experimentally. The basic principle of a breadboard is that it is a temporary structure, designed to test the performance of a circuit or system, and must therefore be easy to modify. There are many commercial breadboarding systems, but almost all of them are designed to facilitate the breadboarding of digital systems, where noise immunities are hundreds of millivolts or more. (We shall discuss the exception to this generality later. Non copper-clad Matrix board (Vectorboard, etc ) wire-wrap and plug-in breadboard systems(Bimboard, etc. ) are, without exception, unsuitable for high performance or high frequency analog breadboarding. They have too high resistance inductance, and capacitance. Even the use of standard IC sockets is inadvisable PRACTICAL BREADBOARDING TECHNIQUES The most practical technique for analog breadboarding uses a copper-clad board as a ground plane. The ground pins of the components are soldered directly to the plane and the other components are wired together above it. This allows hf decoupling paths to be very short indeed All lead lengths should be as short as possible, and signal routing should separate high-level and low-level signals. Ideally the layout should be similar to the layout to be used on the final PCB. This approach is often referred to as"deadbug"because the I Cs are often mounted upside down with their
3 SPICE MODELING SPICE modeling is a powerful tool for predicting the performance of analog circuits. Analog Devices provides macromodels for over 450 ICs HOWEVER Models omit real-life effects No model can simulate all the parasitic effects of discrete components and a PCB layout THEREFORE Prototypes must be built and proven before production. Figure 9.1 However, this model is not published, as it contains too much information which would be of use to other semiconductor companies who might wish to copy or improve on the design. It would also take far too long for a simulation of a system containing such models of a number of op-amps to reach a useful result. For these, and other reasons, the SPICE models of analog circuits published by manufacturers or software companies are "macro" models, which simulate the major features of the component, but lack some of the fine detail. Consequently, SPICE modeling does not always reproduce the exact performance of a circuit and should always be verified experimentally. The basic principle of a breadboard is that it is a temporary structure, designed to test the performance of a circuit or system, and must therefore be easy to modify. There are many commercial breadboarding systems, but almost all of them are designed to facilitate the breadboarding of digital systems, where noise immunities are hundreds of millivolts or more. (We shall discuss the exception to this generality later.) Non copper-clad Matrix board (Vectorboard, etc.), wire-wrap, and plug-in breadboard systems (Bimboard, etc.) are, without exception, unsuitable for high performance or high frequency analog breadboarding. They have too high resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Even the use of standard IC sockets is inadvisable. PRACTICAL BREADBOARDING TECHNIQUES The most practical technique for analog breadboarding uses a copper-clad board as a ground plane. The ground pins of the components are soldered directly to the plane and the other components are wired together above it. This allows HF decoupling paths to be very short indeed. All lead lengths should be as short as possible, and signal routing should separate high-level and low-level signals. Ideally the layout should be similar to the layout to be used on the final PCB. This approach is often referred to as "deadbug" because the ICs are often mounted upside down with their
leads up in the air(with the exception of the ground pins, which are bent over and soldered directly to the ground plane). The upside-down ICs look liked deceased insects, hence the name Figure 9.2 shows a hand-wired breadboard based around two high speed op amps which gives excellent performance in spite of its lack of esthetic appeal. The IC op amps are mounted upside down on the copper board with the leads bent over. The ignals are connected with short point-to-point wiring. The characteristic impedance of a wire over a ground plane is about 120ohms, although this may vary as much as +40% depending on the distance from the plane. The decoupling capacitors are connected directly from the op amp power pins to the copper-clad ground. when working at frequencies of several hundred MHz, it is a good idea to use only one side together with short pieces of wire soldered to both sides of the board. If care Is lor to of the board for ground. Many people drill holes in the board and connect both sides taken, however, this may result in unexpected ground loops between the two sides of the board, especially at rf frequencies. DEADBUG PROTOTYPE TECHNIQUE Figure 9.2 Pieces of copper-clad may be soldered at right angles to the main ground plane to provide screening, or circuitry may be constructed on both sides of the board(with connections through holes) with the board itself providing screening. In this case, the board will need legs to protect the components on the underside from being crushed When the components of a breadboard of this type are wired point-to-point in the air (a type of construction strongly advocated by robert A. Pease of National Semiconductor(Reference 1)and sometimes known as"bird s nest"construction) there is always the risk of the circuitry being crushed and resulting short-circuits Also if the circuitry rises high above the ground plane, the screening effect of the ground plane is diminished, and interaction between different parts of the circuit is more likely. Nevertheless the technique is very practical and widely used because the circuit may so easily be modified
4 leads up in the air (with the exception of the ground pins, which are bent over and soldered directly to the ground plane). The upside-down ICs look liked deceased insects, hence the name. Figure 9.2 shows a hand-wired breadboard based around two high speed op amps which gives excellent performance in spite of its lack of esthetic appeal. The IC op amps are mounted upside down on the copper board with the leads bent over. The signals are connected with short point-to-point wiring. The characteristic impedance of a wire over a ground plane is about 120ohms, although this may vary as much as ±40% depending on the distance from the plane. The decoupling capacitors are connected directly from the op amp power pins to the copper-clad ground. When working at frequencies of several hundred MHz, it is a good idea to use only one side of the board for ground. Many people drill holes in the board and connect both sides together with short pieces of wire soldered to both sides of the board. If care is not taken, however, this may result in unexpected ground loops between the two sides of the board, especially at RF frequencies. "DEADBUG" PROTOTYPE TECHNIQUE Figure 9.2 Pieces of copper-clad may be soldered at right angles to the main ground plane to provide screening, or circuitry may be constructed on both sides of the board (with connections through holes) with the board itself providing screening. In this case, the board will need legs to protect the components on the underside from being crushed. When the components of a breadboard of this type are wired point-to-point in the air (a type of construction strongly advocated by Robert A. Pease of National Semiconductor (Reference 1) and sometimes known as "bird's nest" construction) there is always the risk of the circuitry being crushed and resulting short-circuits. Also if the circuitry rises high above the ground plane, the screening effect of the ground plane is diminished, and interaction between different parts of the circuit is more likely. Nevertheless the technique is very practical and widely used because the circuit may so easily be modified
Figure 9 copper clad with holes pre-drilled on 0. 1"centers. Power busses are at the top and bottom of the board. The decoupling capacitors are used on the power pins of each IC. Because of the loss of copper area due to the pre-drilled holes, this technique does not provide as low a ground impedance as a completely covered copper-clad DEADBUG PROTOTYPE USING PRE-DRILLED SINGLE-SIDED COPPER-CLAD BOARD Figure 9.3 In a variation of this technique, the iCs and other components are mounted on the non-copper-clad side of the board. The holes are used as vias, and the point-to-point wiring is done on the copper-clad side of the board. The copper surrounding each hole used for a via must be drilled out so as to prevent shorting. This approach requires that all ic pins be on 0. 1 "centers. Low profile sockets can be used for low frequency circuits, and the socket pins allow easy point-to-point wiring IC sockets can degrade the performance of high speed or high precision analog ICs. Even"low-profile"sockets often introduce enough parasitic capacitance and inductance to degrade the performance of the circuit. If sockets must be used, an IC socket made of individual"pin sockets "(sometimes called"cage jacks" )mounted in the ground plane board may be acceptable(clear the copper, on both sides of the board, for about 0. 5mm around each ungrounded pin socket and solder the grounde ones to ground on both sides of the board. Both capped and uncapped versions of these pin sockets are available(amp part numbers 5-330808-3, and 5-330808-6 respectively)
5 Another "deadbug" prototype is shown in Figure 9.3. The board is single-sided copper clad with holes pre-drilled on 0.1" centers. Power busses are at the top and bottom of the board. The decoupling capacitors are used on the power pins of each IC. Because of the loss of copper area due to the pre-drilled holes, this technique does not provide as low a ground impedance as a completely covered copper-clad board. "DEADBUG" PROTOTYPE USING PRE-DRILLED SINGLE-SIDED COPPER-CLAD BOARD Figure 9.3 In a variation of this technique, the ICs and other components are mounted on the non-copper-clad side of the board. The holes are used as vias, and the point-to-point wiring is done on the copper-clad side of the board. The copper surrounding each hole used for a via must be drilled out so as to prevent shorting. This approach requires that all IC pins be on 0.1" centers. Low profile sockets can be used for low frequency circuits, and the socket pins allow easy point-to-point wiring. IC sockets can degrade the performance of high speed or high precision analog ICs. Even "low-profile" sockets often introduce enough parasitic capacitance and inductance to degrade the performance of the circuit. If sockets must be used, an IC socket made of individual "pin sockets" (sometimes called "cage jacks") mounted in the ground plane board may be acceptable (clear the copper, on both sides of the board, for about 0.5mm around each ungrounded pin socket and solder the grounded ones to ground on both sides of the board. Both capped and uncapped versions of these pin sockets are available (AMP part numbers 5-330808-3, and 5-330808-6, respectively)
PIN SOCKETS (CAGE JACKS)HAVE MINIMUM PARASITIC RESISTANCE, INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE CONTACTS COPPER --- SOLDER PCB DIELECTRIC ELECTRIC F72 SOLDER SOLDER 一 CAPPED OR UNCAPPED VERSIONS AVAILABLE Figure 9. 4 There is a commercial breadboarding system which has most of the advantages of "birds nest over a ground plane, or deadbug" (robust ground, screening, ease of circuit alteration, low capacitance and low inductance)and several additional advantages: -it is rigid, components are close to the ground plane, and where necessary node capacitances and line impedances can be calculated easily. This system is made by Wainwright Instruments and is available in Europe as"Mini Mount" and in the usa(where the trademark"Mini-Mount" is the property of another company) as"Solder-Mount"[Reference 2 Solder- Mount consists of small pieces of PCB with etched patterns on one side and contact adhesive on the other. They are stuck to the ground plane, and components are soldered to them. They are available in a wide variety of patterns, including ready-made pads for IC packages of all sizes from 8-pin SOICs to 64- pin DILs, strips with solder pads at intervals(which intervals range from 0.040"to 0. 25", the range includes strips with 0. 1" pad spacing which may be used to mount DIL devices), strips with conductors of the correct width to form microstrip transmission lines (50ohms, 60ohms, 75ohms or 100ohms)when mounted on the ground plane, and a tS riety of pads for mounting various other components. A few of the many types of older- Mount building-block components are shown in Figure 9.5
6 PIN SOCKETS (CAGE JACKS) HAVE MINIMUM PARASITIC RESISTANCE, INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE Figure 9.4 There is a commercial breadboarding system which has most of the advantages of "bird's nest over a ground plane, or deadbug" (robust ground, screening, ease of circuit alteration, low capacitance and low inductance) and several additional advantages:- it is rigid, components are close to the ground plane, and where necessary node capacitances and line impedances can be calculated easily. This system is made by Wainwright Instruments and is available in Europe as "MiniMount" and in the USA (where the trademark "Mini-Mount" is the property of another company) as "Solder-Mount"[Reference 2]. Solder-Mount consists of small pieces of PCB with etched patterns on one side and contact adhesive on the other. They are stuck to the ground plane, and components are soldered to them. They are available in a wide variety of patterns, including ready-made pads for IC packages of all sizes from 8-pin SOICs to 64-pin DILs, strips with solder pads at intervals (which intervals range from 0.040" to 0.25", the range includes strips with 0.1" pad spacing which may be used to mount DIL devices), strips with conductors of the correct width to form microstrip transmission lines (50ohms, 60ohms, 75ohms or 100ohms) when mounted on the ground plane, and a variety of pads for mounting various other components. A few of the many types of Solder-Mount building-block components are shown in Figure 9.5
SAMPLES OFSOLDER-MOUNT COMPONENTS I■■■ ■国 〓蠱 器吗suU Figure 9.5 The main advantage of Solder- Mount construction over "bird s nest or"deadbug "is that the resulting circuit is far more rigid, and, if desired, may be made far smaller (the latest Solder- Mounts are for surface-mount devices and allow the construction of breadboards scarcely larger than the final PCb, although it is generally more convenient if the prototype is somewhat larger). Solder- Mount is sufficiently durable that it may be used for small quantity production as well as prototyping Figure 9.6 shows an example of a 2. 5GHz phase-locked-loop prototype built with Solder-Mount. This is a high speed circuit, but the technique is equally suitable for the construction of high resolution low frequency analog circuitry. a particularly convenient feature of Solder- Mount at VhF is the ease with which it is possible t make a transmission line
7 SAMPLES OF "SOLDER-MOUNT" COMPONENTS Figure 9.5 The main advantage of Solder-Mount construction over "bird's nest" or "deadbug" is that the resulting circuit is far more rigid, and, if desired, may be made far smaller (the latest Solder-Mounts are for surface-mount devices and allow the construction of breadboards scarcely larger than the final PCB, although it is generally more convenient if the prototype is somewhat larger). Solder-Mount is sufficiently durable that it may be used for small quantity production as well as prototyping. Figure 9.6 shows an example of a 2.5GHz phase-locked-loop prototype built with Solder-Mount. This is a high speed circuit, but the technique is equally suitable for the construction of high resolution low frequency analog circuitry. A particularly convenient feature of Solder-Mount at VHF is the ease with which it is possible to make a transmission line
SOLDER-MOUNT PROTOTYPE 图 Figure 9.6 If a conductor runs over a ground plane it forms a microstrip transmission line Solder- Mount has strips which form microstrip lines when mounted on a ground plane(they are available with impedances of 50ohms, 60ohms, 75ohms, and 100ohms). These strips may be used as transmission lines, for impedance matching or simply as power buses. Glass fiber/epoxy PCB is somewhat lossy at VhF and UHF, but the losses will probably be tolerable if microstrip runs are short. Both the"deadbug "and the"Solder -Mount"breadboarding techniques become tedious for complex circuits. Larger circuits are often better prototyped using more formal layout techniques An approach to prototyping more complex analog circuits is to actually lay out a double-sided board using CAD techniques. PC-based software layout packages offer ease of layout as well as schematic capture to verify connections. Although most layout software has some amount of auto-routing capability, this feature is best left to digital designs. After the components are placed in their approximate position, the interconnections should be routed manually following good analog layout guidelines. After the layout is complete, the software verifies the connections per the schematic diagram net list Many design engineers find that they can use Cad techniques(reference 3) to lay out simple boards themselves, or work closely with a layout person who has experience in analog circuit boards. The result is a pattern generation tape(or Gerber file)which would normally be sent to a PCb manufacturing facility where the final board is made. Rather than use a pc board manufacturer. however automatic drilling and milling machines are available which accept the PG tas ctly by drilling all holes and using a milling technique to remove copper and create t (Reference ese systems produce single and double-sided circuit boards dir insulation paths and finally, the finished board. The result is a board very similar to the final manufactured double-sided Pc board, the chief exception being that there
8 "SOLDER-MOUNT" PROTOTYPE Figure 9.6 If a conductor runs over a ground plane it forms a microstrip transmission line. Solder-Mount has strips which form microstrip lines when mounted on a ground plane (they are available with impedances of 50ohms, 60ohms, 75ohms, and 100ohms). These strips may be used as transmission lines, for impedance matching, or simply as power buses. (Glass fiber/epoxy PCB is somewhat lossy at VHF and UHF, but the losses will probably be tolerable if microstrip runs are short.) Both the "deadbug" and the "Solder-Mount" breadboarding techniques become tedious for complex circuits. Larger circuits are often better prototyped using more formal layout techniques. An approach to prototyping more complex analog circuits is to actually lay out a double-sided board using CAD techniques. PC-based software layout packages offer ease of layout as well as schematic capture to verify connections. Although most layout software has some amount of auto-routing capability, this feature is best left to digital designs. After the components are placed in their approximate position, the interconnections should be routed manually following good analog layout guidelines. After the layout is complete, the software verifies the connections per the schematic diagram net list. Many design engineers find that they can use CAD techniques (Reference 3) to lay out simple boards themselves, or work closely with a layout person who has experience in analog circuit boards. The result is a pattern-generation tape (or Gerber file) which would normally be sent to a PCB manufacturing facility where the final board is made. Rather than use a PC board manufacturer, however, automatic drilling and milling machines are available which accept the PG tape (Reference 4). These systems produce single and double-sided circuit boards directly by drilling all holes and using a milling technique to remove copper and create insulation paths and finally, the finished board. The result is a board very similar to the final manufactured double-sided PC board, the chief exception being that there
is no"plated-through"hole capability, and any"vias"between the two layers of the mil=0.001")and 12 mil spacing between traces are standard, although smale.s(1 board must be wired and soldered on both sides. minimum trace widths of 25 mi trace widths can be achieved with care The minimum spacing between lines is dictated by the size of the milling bit, typically 10 to 12 mils. exam mple of such a prototype board is shown in Figure 9.7. This is a"daughte board designed to interface an AD9562 Dual Pulse-Width Modulator in a 44- pin PLCC package to a"mother"board. The leads are on 50 mil centers, and the traces are approximately 25 mils wide MILLED PROTOTYPE PC BOARD 9s6 :2: Figure 9.7 Multilayer PC boards do not easily lend themselves to standard prototyping techniques. One side of a double-sided board can be used for ground and the other side for power and signals. Point-to-point wiring can be used for additional runs which would normally be placed on the additional layers provided by a multi-layer board. However, it is difficult to control the impedance of the point-to-point wiring runs, and the high frequency performance of a circuit prototyped in this manner may differ significantly from the final multilayer board
9 is no "plated-through" hole capability, and any "vias" between the two layers of the board must be wired and soldered on both sides. Minimum trace widths of 25 mils (1 mil = 0.001") and 12 mil spacing between traces are standard, although smaller trace widths can be achieved with care. The minimum spacing between lines is dictated by the size of the milling bit, typically 10 to 12 mils. An example of such a prototype board is shown in Figure 9.7. This is a "daughter" board designed to interface an AD9562 Dual Pulse-Width Modulator in a 44-pin PLCC package to a "mother" board. The leads are on 50 mil centers, and the traces are approximately 25 mils wide. "MILLED" PROTOTYPE PC BOARD Figure 9.7 Multilayer PC boards do not easily lend themselves to standard prototyping techniques. One side of a double-sided board can be used for ground and the other side for power and signals. Point-to-point wiring can be used for additional runs which would normally be placed on the additional layers provided by a multi-layer board. However, it is difficult to control the impedance of the point-to-point wiring runs, and the high frequency performance of a circuit prototyped in this manner may differ significantly from the final multilayer board
SUCCESSFUL PROTOTYPING Always use a ground plane for precision or high frequency circuits Minimize parasitic resistance, capacitance, and inductance If sockets are required, use"pin sockets"("cage jacks") Pay equal attention to signal routing, component placement grounding, and decoupling in both the prototy pe and the final design Popular prototy ping techiniques Freehand"deadbug "using point-to-point wiring Solder -Mount Milled Pc board from CAD layout Multilayer boards: Double-sided with additional point-to- point wiring Figure 9.8 EVALUATION BOARDS Manufacturer's evaluation boards provide a convenient way of evaluating high performance ICs without the need for constructing labor-intensive prototype boards Analog Devices provides evaluation boards for almost all new high speed and precision products. The boards are designed with good layout, grounding, and decoupling techniques. They are completely tested, and artwork (including Pg tape is available to customers Because of the popularity of dual precision op amps in 8-pin DIPs, a universal evaluation board has been developed(see Figure 9.9). This board makes extensive use of pin sockets to allow resistors or jumpers to configure the two op amps in just about any conceivable feedback, input/output, and load condition. The inputs and outputs are convenient right-angle bnc connectors. Because of the use of sockets and the less-than- compact layout, this board is not useful for op amps having gain bandwidth products much greater than 10MHz
1 0 SUCCESSFUL PROTOTYPING Always use a ground plane for precision or high frequency circuits Minimize parasitic resistance, capacitance, and inductance If sockets are required, use “pin sockets” (“cage jacks”) Pay equal attention to signal routing, component placement, grounding, and decoupling in both the prototype and the final design Popular prototyping techiniques: Freehand “deadbug” using point-to-point wiring “Solder-Mount” Milled PC board from CAD layout Multilayer boards: Double-sided with additional point-topoint wiring Figure 9.8 EVALUATION BOARDS Manufacturer's evaluation boards provide a convenient way of evaluating highperformance ICs without the need for constructing labor-intensive prototype boards. Analog Devices provides evaluation boards for almost all new high speed and precision products. The boards are designed with good layout, grounding, and decoupling techniques. They are completely tested, and artwork (including PG tape) is available to customers. Because of the popularity of dual precision op amps in 8-pin DIPs, a universal evaluation board has been developed (see Figure 9.9). This board makes extensive use of pin sockets to allow resistors or jumpers to configure the two op amps in just about any conceivable feedback, input/output, and load condition. The inputs and outputs are convenient right-angle BNC connectors. Because of the use of sockets and the less-than-compact layout, this board is not useful for op amps having gainbandwidth products much greater than 10MHz