Structure of Relational Databases Fundamental Relational-Algebra-Operations Additional Relational-Algebra-Operations Extended Relational-Algebra-Operations Null Values Modification of the Database
Boolean Operations and Expressions Law and Rules of Boolean Algebra DeMorgan’s Theorems Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuits Simplification Using Boolean Algebra Standard Forms of Boolean Expressions Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables The Karnaugh Map Karnaugh Map SOP Minimization
Basie cCoucept Boolean algebra (Logic algebra) is closure mathematical system that defines a series of logic operation (and, or, not) performed on set k of variables (a, b,...) which can only have two values of 0 or 1
1 Linear Algebra Notations and Fundamental Concepts Matrix Multiplication Operational Properties Linear Space Quadratic Form and Positive Definite Matrix Matrix Calculus 2 Probability Theory Probability Space Random Variable and Its Distribution Numerical Characteristics of Random Variables Conditional Expectation Jenson’s Inequality