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2.0 引言(Introduction) 2.1 逻辑代数(Boolean Algebra) 2.2 逻辑函数的卡诺图化简 2.3 硬件描述语言(HDL)基础
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:3.32MB 文档页数:94
Structure of Relational Databases Fundamental Relational-Algebra-Operations Additional Relational-Algebra-Operations Extended Relational-Algebra-Operations Null Values Modification of the Database
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.86MB 文档页数:62
 Boolean Operations and Expressions  Law and Rules of Boolean Algebra  DeMorgan’s Theorems  Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuits  Simplification Using Boolean Algebra  Standard Forms of Boolean Expressions  Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables  The Karnaugh Map  Karnaugh Map SOP Minimization
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Basie cCoucept Boolean algebra (Logic algebra) is closure mathematical system that defines a series of logic operation (and, or, not) performed on set k of variables (a, b,...) which can only have two values of 0 or 1
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1. Concepts of Number System and their conversion 2. Boolean Algebra 3. Moore’s Law 4. 科技英语中数学公式的读法
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3.1 Boolean Algebra 3.2 Graph Theory
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2.1 群的定义和初步性质 2.2 群中元素的阶 2.3 子群
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1.1 集合 1.2 映射与变换 1.3 代数运算 1.4 运算律 1.5 同态与同构 1.6 等价关系与集合的分类
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:103.33KB 文档页数:30
§7.1 引言 §7.2 粒子物理研究中计算机代数的应用 §7.3 Mathematica 语言编程
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:347.94KB 文档页数:131
1 Linear Algebra Notations and Fundamental Concepts Matrix Multiplication Operational Properties Linear Space Quadratic Form and Positive Definite Matrix Matrix Calculus 2 Probability Theory Probability Space Random Variable and Its Distribution Numerical Characteristics of Random Variables Conditional Expectation Jenson’s Inequality
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