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一、学习的概念及其特点 1、学习的概念 由不会到会谓之学,由不熟到熟谓之习。孔子说:“学而时习之,不亦曰乎。”我们通常说的学习,是指通过教育和自我教育,了解、掌握、积累和体验科学文化知识、思想政治道德和劳动技能的活动和过程
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人的本质与人性 1、人是什么? 著名的\司芬克斯之谜 早期资产阶级思想家说:“人一半是天使,一半是魔鬼。 ·布斯说:“人对人是狼\
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一、道德的内涵 1、中国古代对道德的解释 道:主要表示事物发展变化的规则、规律、道理,分为“天道”和“人道”。 天道:是关于自然的规则、规律、道理人道:是关于人的规则、规律、道理。“知道”,就是了解、懂得、掌握事物发展变化的规则
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一、价值与人的价值 1、价值 政治经济学领域里讲的价值: 劳动价值商品价值 哲学意义上的价值:是指人以外事物、现 象对人所具有的意义。 价值反映的是主体与客体之间的一种效用 关系,简单地说,价值就是客体对于主 体的意义或效用
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一、中华民族的民族精神 江泽民在党的十六大报告中提出:“在五千多年的 发展中,中华民族形成了以爱国主义为核心的团 结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的伟大 民族精神。” 胡锦涛说:“在漫长的历史进程中,中国各族人民 始终发扬以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和 平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的伟大民族精神,开发 和建设了祖国的大好河山
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Definition: Dyspnea is defined as an awareness of difficulty in breathing It is therefore a symptom, usually described by the patient as \short of breath,\ whether the sensation is due to actual difficulty in breathing or is essentially an awareness of hyperventilation. If the symptom becomes striking, it always companies with dilatation of nares, cyanosis, use of accessory muscles of respiration and abnormalities of respiratory rate, depth or rhythm
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Dyspnea is defined as an awareness of difficulty in breathing It is therefore a symptom, usually described by the patient as \shortness of breath,\whether the sensation is due to actual difficulty in breathing or is essentially an awareness of hyperventilation. If the symptom becomes striking, it always companies with dilatation of nares, cyanosis, use of accessory muscles of respiration and abnormalities of respiratory rate, depth or rhythm
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The writing of clinical record A patient's health record plays many important roles: It provides a view of the patient's health history/status It serves as the legal document describing the healthcare services provided to the patient It provides a method for clinical communication and care
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Physical examination It is the process of examining the patient's body to determine the presence or absence of physical problems The goal of the physical examination is to obtain valid information concerning the health of the patient The examiner must be able to identify, analyze
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Five Ways of GI Bleeding Hematemesis: vomitting of blood of altered blood coffee grounds) indicates bleeding proximal to ligament of Treitz Melena: Tarry stool. Altered (black) blood per rectum(>60ml) Hematochezia: Bright red or maroon rectal bleeding implies bleeding beyond
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