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一、课程性质和目的 《机械制造技术基础》是研究机器零件的机械加工工艺过程的一门学科,是高等学校 机械类专业必修的技术基础课。课程设置的目的是为学生在机械制造技术方面奠定最基础的 知识和技能基础,并为学习其他有关课程及以后从事机械设计和加工制造工作打下必要的基 础
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一、关于“战略”的不同理解 (一)以安德鲁斯(K. Andrews)为代表的定义 企业总体战略是一种决策模式(mode of decision),它决定和揭示了企业 的目的和目标,提出了实现目的的重大方针与计划,确定了企业应该从事的经 营业务,明确企业的经济类型,以及决定了企业应对员工、顾客和社会做出的 经济与非经济的贡献
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一 课程的性质和任务 《建筑工程定额与预算》课程是工程造价专业的一门专业课。课程学分:5.5 学分。 它与该专业的一些基础课和专业课密切相关。建筑材料、房屋建筑学、钢筋混凝土结构与砌 体结构、建筑施工技术等为本课程的先导课程。 建筑工程设计与施工是建筑生产的科学技术;建筑经济与管理是建筑业现代化管理的 科学技术。建筑工程定额与预算是建筑生产技术和管理科学两者的专业基础课
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Subject: English Pronunciation for Communication Purpose: The students will learn the use of intonation in English. Objectives: Students will be able to : 1. Define - in their own words the use of intonation in English. 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare different functions and use of intonation in speech;
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一、课程任务与要求 本课程是数控技术应用专业的一门重要的主干专业课。其主要任务是讲授数控加工工艺规程的制订、 工件在数控机床中的装夹、数控车削、数控镗铣、加工中心和电加工机床加工工艺基础知识。 学生学完本课程后,应达到下列要求:
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English Pronunciation for Communication is a compulsory course offered to the first year English majors with an aim to help the students to improve their English pronunciation and intonation for more effective communication. The students will undergo intensive training in the pronunciation of individual phonemes in English, in the rhythmic patterns of the English language and in the patterns and functions of English intonation, so that the students will be able to communicate more effectively with good pronunciation and intonation
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Subject: English Pronunciation for Communication Purpose: The students will learn intonation units of English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for intonation units. 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare different units of intonation in speech;
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Subject: English Pronunciation for Communication Purpose: The students will learn types of intonation in English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for intonation. 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare different types of intonation in speech;
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The students will learn rhythm of English speech. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for rhythm of English speech. It is a revision and therefore, easy for most of the students; 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare different types of speech rhythm in connected speech;
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The students will learn strong forms and weak forms in English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for strong forms and weak forms in a sentence. It is a revision and therefore, easy for most of the students;
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