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Section A Longing for a New Welfare System The Objective of the Teaching 1. Let the students grasp some new words and phrases 2. Learn the figurative language and how to describe some persons or some things. 3. Let the students have a better understanding of the life of the disabled
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各类呈香物质是各类气味的基础。根据这些呈香物质的来源,葡萄酒的香气可分为一类 香气、二类香气、三类香气等三大类。 上述八大类香气对应着许多复杂的呈香物质。在葡萄酒中,根据这些物质的来源,又可 将葡萄酒的香气分为三大类:
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李韶瑾:今天我们有幸能和林老师一起来讨论发展战 略——赶超战略与比较优势战略问题。能作为主对话 人我感到很荣幸。当然大家如果有问题欢迎随时向林 老师提出。因为时间有限,希望大家不要扯得太远。 林老师:师生对话是一种新的尝试。过去一年来我在 课堂上对我提出的一些观点、理论经常讲述,一般都 是单向交流。各位对我的观点、理论到底理解不理解、 接受不接受,我不是非常清楚
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Unit Four Five symbols of america Five symbols of america Learn some important new words and phrases Appreciate the passage in section A Comprehension of the material in section A 1. Communicative method 2. Audio-lingual method 3. Grammar-translation method
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Suggested answer All temptation is an attack that falls upon you anytime and from anywhere Temptation is also something that you crave for now but regret later Just as fire tries iron, temptation tries a Just man
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第一部分:2005年考试命题基本思路: 与前几年不会出现较大的差异,依旧是全面考核、注重综合理解与实务操作、重点突出、难度持平,在整个税 制不发生重大变化之前,这也应该是今后若干年的基本思路。 题型、题量将与近两年一致,总题量保持在57道左右,客观题与主观题各占50%
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《税法》考试涉及面非常广泛,特别是单选、多选、判断这些客观题型,几乎每章每节的内容都涉及到了,但考生在复习的过程中, 不能只了解《税法》书的内容,必须在熟悉法规的基础上,抓重点、难点。这样才能达到保小又保大的目的。有关专家根据2005年《税 法》考试大纲的规定及历年《税法》考试科目的特点,对2005年《税法》考试内容作了如下复习总结:
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Lead-in Questions 1. Are you iron deficient 2. How would you know? a. tired b. have reduced ability to exercise. C. have poor stamina d. get frequent infections e. are lethargic
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Leading-in Activities: Discussion 1. What's your definition of money? 2. What attitude should we take toward money? 3.What’ your fantasy?
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Step One: Leading-in Activities: 1. Watch the short movies of Chaplin. 2. Discussion: (1) What do the famous people's lives look like in your eye? (2) Do you want to be famous one day? Why or why not? And (3) What do you usually do in your
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