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 Economy’s Income and Expenditure  Gross Domestic Product  Consumer Price Index (CPI)
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• Externalities • Ways of Correcting Market Failure • Externalities and Property Rights • Common Property Resources
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同济大学:《经济学》课程教学资源(教案讲义)Ch10 Overview of Macroeconomics
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同济大学:《经济学》课程教学资源(教案讲义)Ch08 Market For Factors of Production
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• General Equilibrium Analysis • Efficiency in Exchange • Equity and Efficiency • Efficiency in Production • On Overview--The Efficiency of Competitive Markets • Why Markets Fail
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• Monopoly • Price Discrimination • Monopolistic Competition • Oligopoly
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同济大学:《经济学》课程教学资源(教案讲义)Ch06-1 Analysis of Perfectly Competitive Markets
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:125.34KB 文档页数:39
• Measuring Cost: Which Costs Matter? • Cost in the Short Run • Cost in the Long Run • Long-Run Versus Short-Run Cost Curves
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• The Technology of Production • Isoquants • Production with One Variable Input (Labor) • Production with Two Variable Inputs • Returns to Scale
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同济大学:《经济学》课程教学资源(教案讲义)Ch03 Demand and Consumer Behavior
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