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Pregnancy-induced Hypertension syndrome (Hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy) Professor of obstetrics and gynecology
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异常分娩的诊治要点 1产前诊断 2产时诊断 3注重病因学诊断
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颈 部 Neck • 概述 introduction • 浅层结构 superifical structures • 下颌下三角 submandibular triangle • 颏下三角 submental triangle
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General considerations Definition In placenta previa, the placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment and located over the internal os. It constitutes an obstruction of descent of the presenting part. Main cause of obstetrical hemorrhage Incidence 0.24%-1.57% (our country)
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General Consideration Definition The separation of the placenta from its site of implantation after 20 weeks of gestation or during the course of delivery Frequency 0.51%0-2.33%(our country) 1%o(other countries) Incidence of fetal death
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General Consideration Antenatal cardiovascular changes Blood volume increase by 40%-60%0 Peaking at 32-34 weeks the expansion in plasma volume is greater than that expansion of red cell mass Cardiac output Increase by 40%6-50% Peaking at 20-24 weeks
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一、高分子材料的重要性 二、高分子科学的发展简史 三、“高分子物理”的研究对象及目的
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引言 一、包括肾脏、输尿管、膀胱、尿道 二、缺乏自然对比,需用造影检查 三、目前CT、USG、MR已广泛应用
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7-2频率域中的无源串联超前校正 三个频段的概念
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