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9.1 CCS的简介 9.2 CCS的安装及设置 9.3 CCS的基本操作 9.4 CCS工程项目的创建 9.5 CCS工程项目的调试 9.6 CCS开发软件使用举例
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了解周期序列的傅里叶级数及性质,掌握周期卷积过程; 理解离散傅里叶变换及性质,掌握圆周移位、共轭对称性,掌握圆周卷积、线性卷积及两者之间的关系; 掌握FFT算法的计算量分析,按时间抽选的基-2FFT算法; 2.1 离散傅里叶变换(DFT) 2.2 快速傅里叶变换(FFT) 2.3 FFT应用
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 S1. Filters: devices of signal processing  Classic Filter  Optimal Filter  Adaptive Filter  S2. Adaptive filtering applications  S3. Stochastic processes  Partial characteristic: Autocorrelation Matrix (ACM)  PSD  Linear parametric model  S4. Mean Square Information Space
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电子科技大学:《计算电磁学 Computational Electronmagentics》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,有限差分法)第6章 时域有限差分法 III 6.1 激励源技术 6.2 集总参数电路元件的模拟 6.3 数字信号处理技术 6.4 应用举例(I)
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 Introduction  Periodogram and correlogram  Nonparametric methods  Parametric methods for Rational spectra  Parametric methods for line spectra  Filter-bank approach  Spatial methods
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 S1. Introduction  S2. Conventional Kalman filter  S3. Example  S4. RLS and Kalman filtering  S5. Square-root information filter  S6. Square-root covariance filter  Better numerical properties than the conventional one  The square-root RLS algorithms are special cases
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 S.1 Prototype adaptive filter  Filter structure  Quadratic cost functions  S2. Wiener filter theory  MMSE criterion  Wiener-Hopf equations  Orthogonality principle  S3. Unrealizable Wiener filter
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Introduction Ideally, the system parameters along with the signal variables have infinite precision taking any value between -oo and · In practice, they can take only discrete values within a specified range since the registers of the digital machine where they are stored are of finite length
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◆理解按频率抽选的基-2FFT算法的算法原理、运算流图、所需计算量和算法特点 ◆理解IFFT算法 ◆了解混合基、分裂基和基-4FFT算法 ◆了解CZT算法 ◆理解线性卷积的FFT算法及分段卷积方法
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第3章离散傅里叶变换(DFT) 3.1离散傅里叶变换的定义 3.2离散傅里叶变换的基本性质 3.3频率域采样 3.4DFT的应用举例
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