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More environment-friendly methods Natural insect attractants — instead pesticide Less reactive compounds organic refrigerants and aerosol propellant — instead Freon (that destroy the Earth’s ozone layer) Cars with more efficient combustion engines — reduce the massive amount of automobile
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1.12A The Structure of Methane sp3 Hybridization The 4 sp3 orbitals should be oriented at angles of 109.5° with respect to each other. An sp3-Hybridized carbon gives a tetrahedral structure for methane, and with four equivalent C—H bonds
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1858 ~ 1861, Kekulé, Couper, and Butlerov, laid the basis for one of the most fundamental theories in chemistry: the structural theory. Valence(化合价): C — tetravalent; O — divalent; H — monovalent
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一、掌握支出法计算国民收入的基本方法 二、掌握收入法计算国民收入的基本方法 三、掌握增值法计算国民收入的基本方法
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一、 课程校内发展的主要历史沿革 内科学是一门古老而又不断发展的学科,她的古老在于她的历史源远流长, 内科学作为临床医学中的一门综合学科涉及面广,整体性强,是临床医学中各 科的基础,一直以来都是医学专业的主修课程。从 1936 年建校后,临床医生就 将自己的学识和经验传授给学生,从可以考证的资料来看,中山医院的林兆耆 教授 1952 年编写出版了《实用内科学》,是我国第一部大型的内科综合性参考 书,再版多次,深受欢迎
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Esters, like aldehydes and ketones, are weakly acidic. When an ester with an alpha hydrogen is treated with one equivalent of a base such as sodium ethoxide, a reversible condensation reaction occurs to yield a β−keto ester product. This reaction between two ester components is known as the Claisen condensation reaction
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Carboxylic acids are just one member of a class of acyl derivatives, RCOY, where the acyl group is bonded to an electronegatives substituent -Y that can act as a leaving group in substitution reactions. Numerous acyl derivatives are possible, but we’ll be concerned only with four of the more common ones, in addition to carboxylic acids themselves: acid halides, acid anhydrides, esters, and amides
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群体沟通的优缺点 组织和参加会议 会议沟通模式 明确会议目的 确定与会者构成 明确与会者角色职责 会议的组织准备工作 会议议程 会议记录
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1.肾脏的功能单位为: A.肾单位 B.肾小球 C.肾皮髓质 D.肾小囊 E.肾小球旁器 2.正常情况下,肾小球滤过液(原尿)在肾小管中被吸收的占总量 A.10% B.30% C.50% D.80% E.99%
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A1 题型(2211~2327) 2211.下列哪项试验可以帮助诊断下丘脑功能紊乱?(中,理解) A.TSH 兴奋试验 B.胰岛素耐量试验 C.钠-钾平衡试验 D.可乐宁试验
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