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Lectures available on the web(short version) For over-enrollment please go to the Physics office P107 Laboratory sessions start next week go to my web site w. phys. uconn. edu/-rcote Syllabus+ homeworks lectures, etc WebAssign: ready Friday night gotowww.webassign.netandlogin )username: first letter of first name plus last name
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Put-call parity p +spe-ql=c+Xer holds regardless of the assumptions made about the stock price distribution It follows that
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Credit ratings In the s&P rating system, AAA is the best rating. After that comes AA, A BBB. BB.B. and ccc The corresponding Moody's ratings are Aaa. Aa,a. Baa, Ba.b. and caa Bonds with ratings of BBB (or Baa) and above are considered to be investment grade
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一、镜向法 例5-1真空中置一个点电荷q,大地为导体,求空间任意点处1)电 位分布;2)电场分布;3)大地表面感应电荷分布;4)q受力 解:物理过程分析:导体在外场的作用下达到静电平衡,空间各处电 场与电位是点电荷与感应电荷共同贡献的结果 上半平面任意点P(x,yz) 图5.1感应电荷的电场 关键:直接求解的关键在于找出感应电荷面密度
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We saw oⅴD Gas phase reactants: po l mTorr to l atm Good step coverage, T> 350 K We saw sputtering Noble (+ reactive gas)p 10 mTorr; ionized particles Industrial process high rate reasonable step coverage
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All the questions are from Plummer, Chapter 10, p.679-680, which was handed out in class 1)Question 10.3 2) Question 10.4 3)Question 10.5 4) Question 10.6
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8.1路由器的配置方式 8.2配置PPP及其认证 8.3配置静态路由 8.4配置RP 8.5配置P访问列表 8.6配置网络地址转换
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一、网络互联层协议 二、IP协议 三、ICMP协议 四、ARP和RARP协议
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一、有关概念辨析 1、偷税、漏税、逃税、欠税、逃避追缴欠税、抗税、骗税(征管法52条,细则56条) 2、税收筹划、节税、避税合理合法性分析 3、避税定义:纳税人采取某种利用法律上的漏洞或含糊之处的方式来安排自己的事务,以致减少他本应承担的纳税数额。做法未犯法,可能被认为不道德,方式合法,行为不具有欺诈性。(联合国《双边税收条约手册》)P140
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一、经营所得 (一)营业利润的概念与来源地标准 1概念:P94,《OECD范本》2000版后把专业性劳务所得纳入营业利润范围,联合国范本 2001版则没有。差异的原因及争议
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