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The vast majority of games of interest in economics, finance, political economy etc. involve some form of payoff uncertainty. A simple but interesting example is provided by auctions: an object is offered for sale, and individuals are required to submit their bids in sealed envelopes. The object is then allocated to the highest bidder at a price which depends on every bid, according to some prespecified rule (e.g. \first-price\ or \second-price\rule). In
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Introduction [Again, by and large, I will follow OR, Chap. 8, so I will keep these notes to a minimum. Review of key definitions Recall our three payoff aggregation criteria: discounting, i.e (u2)≥1>(2 (also recall that the payoff profile corresponding to a stream (ut)is taken to be(1 8)2t18t-u(a)); limit of means
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一、意义: 在“土壤--根体系”的研究中,根系活力的强弱对营养物质的吸收起着决定的作用, 测定根系活力的方法很多,其中根的阳离子交换量(Cation Exchange Capacity简称.e.c 测定,是一种比较简单易行的方法,也能反映出根系新陈代谢的一般情况,特别是在“外层 空间”的理论提出之后,人们越来越多地注意到细胞壁及其细胞间隙的作用。因此,对研究 作物根的吸收能力是有一定意义的
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4-5调制与解调 一、调制与解调的概念 调制信号:低频e(t)
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Parasitology(寄生虫学), the study of parasites(寄生虫) and their relationships to the hosts(TE E), is one of the most fascinating areas of the biology. While it is entirely proper to classify many bacteria(细菌) and fungi(真菌) and all viruses as parasites
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一、证明cost,cos(2t),,cos(nt)(n为正整数),是在区间(0,2)的正交函数集,它是否是完备的正交函数集? 二、实周期信号f(t)在区间(-,)内的能量定义为 E=f2()dt
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第四章的思想:一是将信号分解为e虚指数信号的叠加傅 氏级数和傅氏变换。二是响应的合成。即把作为测试信号,系统 频率特性H(jo)响应为eH(jo)叠加。对分析谐波成分、频率响应、 波形失真、取样、滤波十分有效
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一、掌握维生素A、B1、C、D、E的结构、性质和鉴别、检查、含量测定方法。 二、熟悉本类药物其它的含量测定方法以及杂质检查方法。 三、了解维生素A三点校正法的推导过程
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一、对数频率特性 1.增益 设H(jo)=|H(j)e) 令G()=lnH(jo)(对数)增益,单位Np(奈培)或G()=201ogH(jo)常用对数增益,dB分贝东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室
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(1)1/0方程:D(p)r(t)=N(p)e(t) (2)系统函数H(s)=(s) (3)框图/流图 (4)状态方程
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