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上海建桥学院(商学院):课程教学大纲——Professional English 专业英语-物流(双语教学)
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上海建桥学院(商学院):课程教学大纲——Professional English 专业英语-物流
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复旦大学:《药学专业英语 Professional English for Pharmacy》课程教学大纲
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Structure of Hybrid Drive Classification of Hybrid Drive Toyota Prius Hybrid Drive System Principles of Operation Hybrid Control Modes
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Operation of the Motronic System Start Control ( Fuel, Ignition Timing, Air) Post-Start Warm-Up Closed-Loop Operation Part-Throttle Acceleration Full-Load Acceleration Knock Control
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TEXT A Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) and Throttle-by-wire Gasoline Direct Injection Mitsubishi GDI Volkswagen AG's direct-injection(FSI) Toyota DI engine Electronic Throttle—Throttle-By-Wire
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Computers Central Processing Unit Temporary Computer Memory Permanent Computer Memory Computer Control Operation Open and Closed Loop Operation Input Sensors
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Operation of Valve System VVT—Toyota's Continuously Variable Valve Timing VTEC—Honda Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control MIVEC—Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing Electronic Control Electronic Valve Control System Smart Valves
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:157.5KB 文档页数:24
TEXT A Wheel Alignment System Operation System Components Airbag Deactivation Smart Systems Service Precautions Handling a Live Air Bag Module
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