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第二节 液体装料机(罐装机) 第三节 酱体装料机 第四节 固体装料机 第五节 成品包装机械与设备
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第一节 低温贮藏保鲜 第二节 辐射保鲜 第三节 真空包装 第四节 充气包装 第五节 化学保鲜
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软罐头中常见的品种有汉堡肉饼、肉丸子、切片火腿、酱驴肉、酱排骨、油面筋、扒鸡等。一般都采用真 空包装。下面仅以德州扒鸡为例进行介绍。 1.配料 净膛小鸡(750g左右),食盐17g,酱油20g,小茴香.25g,砂仁0.25g,草果0.25g,山柰0.4g, 5。陈0 桂皮0.6g,草蔻0.25g,陈皮0.25g,八角茴香0.5g,花椒0.25g,丁香0.12g,白芷0.6g,肉蔻0.25g 2.工艺流程 选料→宰杀→去内脏、整形→涂色、过油→焖煮→出锅、包装→杀菌→保温、成品
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第11章气压传动 气压传动是风动技术与液压技术演变、发展而来。气压传动是以压缩空气作为工作介质传递运动和动力。由于气压传动的动力传递介质是取之不尽的空气,所以污染小,因此在自动化领域中具有广阔的发展前景。气压传动广泛应用于纺织机械、汽车、电子、军事、钢铁、化工、食品、包装等行业中。随着原子能、空间技术、计算机技术等的发展,气压传动技术必将更加广泛地应用于各个工业领域。 11.1气压传动的基本知识 11.2气压传动元件 11.3气压传动实例
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第一节 概述 一、食品中有害化学物质的来源 二、食物链和污染物进入人体的途径 三、生物富集与食品残毒 四、有害化学物质的特点 第二节 农药对动物性食品的污染 一、概述 二、动物性食品中农药残留的来源 三、常用农药对动物性食品的污染 第三节 有害金属对动物性食品的污染 一、汞对动物性食品的污染 二、铅对动物性食品的污染 三、镉对动物性食品的污染 四、砷对动物性食品的污染 第四节 有害化合物对动物性食品的污染 一、氟及其化合物对动物性食品的污染 二、N-亚硝基化合物对动物性食品的污染 三、多氯联苯对动物性食品的污染 四、多环芳烃对动物性食品的污染 五、杂环胺类化合物对动物性食品的污染 六、二噁英对动物性食品的污染 第五节 食品添加剂及其对动物性食品的污染 二、防腐剂 三、抗氧化剂 四、护色剂 五、着色剂 六、其他常用食品添加剂 第六节 食品包装材料的污染及控制 一、包装材料的分类及主要卫生问题 二、塑料制品 三、橡胶制品 四、金属和含金属制品 五、玻璃容器 六、食品包装用纸和复合包装材料 第七节 动物性食品化学性污染的控制措施 一、控制农药污染及残留 二、治理工业“三废”,加强环境监测 三、防止食品加工和流通过程中的污染 四、加强食品安全卫生监督管理工作
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The best known and most widely used active packaging technologies for foods today are those engineered to remove undesirable substances from the headspace of a package through absorption, adsorption or scavenging. To achieve this goal a physical or chemical absorbent or adsorbent is incorporated in the packaging material or added to the package by means of a sachet. In most publications
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The packaging sector is an important global industry, representing about 2% of the Gross National Product (GNP) of the developed countries. The value of the packaging industry is about 345 million euros worldwide, of which Europe represents a third. Fifty per cent of this market is packaging for food. Forecasts suggest that the sector will continue to grow in size and importance Many cooking and preservation processes still largely depend on effective packaging, for example canning, aseptic, sous vide and baking processes. Processes such as drying and freezing would be lost without protective packaging after processing to control product exposure to the effects of oxygen light, water vapour, bacterial and other contaminants. However, modern food packaging no longer has just a passive role in protecting and marketing the product. It increasingly has an active role in processing, preservation
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Antimicrobial packaging is one of many applications of active packaging (Floros et al., 1997). Active packaging is the packaging system which possesses attributes beyond basic barrier properties which are achieved by adding active ingredients in the packaging system and/or using actively functional polymers (Han and Rooney, 2002). Antimicrobial packaging is the packaging system that is able to kill or inhibit spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms that are contaminating foods
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6.1 Introduction The modern food industry is called on to deliver seemingly contradictory market demands. On the one hand consumers want improved safety and sensory quality, together with increased nutritional properties, extended shelf-life and convenience in preparation and use. On the other they want food with a traditional, wholesome image, with less processing and fewer additives
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Interactions within a package system refer to the exchange of mass and energy between the packaged food, the packaging material and the external environment. Food-packaging interactions can be defined as an interplay between food, packaging, and the environment, which produces an effect on the food, and/or package (Hotchkiss, 1997). Mass transfer processes in packaging systems are normally referred to as permeation, migration and absorption(fig8.1). Permeation is the process resulting from two basic mechanisms
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