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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(3-D textile reinforcements in composite materials)00 Introduction(Why are 3-D textile technologies applied to composite materials?)
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2.1 Materials used in tall building structures 2.2 Design Principles 2.3 Lateral Load-resisting system 2.4 Diaphragm Systems 2.5 Foundations
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6.1 Engineering ceramic materials 6.2 Ceramic Processing 6.3 Properties of ceramics 6.4 The Toughening of Ceramics 6.5 Glass 6.6 Layer silicate Composites
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Non-linear optical properties Photoluminescence Optical Materials Non-linear optical materials play an important role in data transmission and storage
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Unit 1 ENGINEERING MATERIALS Part 1 Vocabulary 一、大词(Semi-Scientific Word) 1. group vt,v(常与with连用)分组;分类;归类 e.g. The data can be grouped under three heads. 这些资料可以分为三大类。 grouping.分组
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第一节 液态结构与晶体凝固的条件 液态金属的特征 结晶的微观现象 结晶的宏观现象 金属结晶的基本条件 第二节 材料结晶时晶核的形成 THE FORMATION OF NUCLEUS AS MATERIALS CRYSTALLIZING 均匀形核 非均匀形核 第三节 材料结晶时晶核的长大 晶体长大的条件 液/固界面的构造 晶体长大机制 晶体长大形态 第四节 凝固理论的应用 铸件晶粒细化 单晶制备 定向凝固 非晶态金属的制备
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Solid wastes include all solid or semisolid materials that the possessor no longer considers of sufficient value to retain. The management of these waste materials is the fundamental concern of all the activities encompassed in solid waste management—whether the planning level is local, regional or subregional, or state and federal. For this reason, it is important to know as much about municipal solid waste (MSW) as possible. The purpose of this chapter is to identify the sources, types, and composition of solid wastes
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• Why safety? • Origins of safety concerns • Thermal runaway process: 3 stages • Materials with improved battery safety • Materials to solve problems in 3 stages
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电子科技大学:《材料设计与计算 Materials Design and Computation》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)MDC 16 MD in Materials Studio Key Modules
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Our research program involves the design, synthesis, and detailed physical investigation of novel molecular and nanoparticle materials which display unique self-organized hierarchical structures and specific optical, electronic, andor magnetic properties. Emphasis is placed on materials with potential applications in light-emitting devices, optical memory devices, molecular level and single particle level switching devices, and chemosensory devices
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