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概述: 一、理解网络层服务原理 二、网络层的服务
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一、TCP:概述 RFcs:793.1122.1323.2018.2581
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本讲概述: 一、理解传输层服务的原理 二、传输层的服务
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一、应用程序和应用层协议 应用程序:沟通,分布式的进程
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一、因特网:工程视角 数以百万计的互联计算设备
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Properties of herpesviruses Enveloped double stranded DNA viruses. Genome consisits of long and short fragments which may be orientated in either direction, giving a total of 4 isomers
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Hemorrhogic Fever Virus Hantaar Virus or HEMORRHAGIC FEVER with renal syndrome virus HFRS Xing Jiang Hemorrhogic Fever Virus Dept. of microbiology and parasitology
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Human cytomegalovirus Epstein-Barr- virus Herpes simplex virus Yellow fever virus Rubella
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Similar to Viruses Atypical Agents Small Filterable Need host cells No machinery for energy generation of protein synthesis
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Live difficult diagnosis clinical picture, skin biopsy, corneal impression(antibodies only appear very late) Dead- brain sent to Onderstepoort Negri bodies in cytoplasm of brain cells; immunofluorescence virus isolation
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