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一、数据集合 Measurements of items e.g., Yearly sales volume for your 23 salespeople e.g., Cost and number produced, daily, for the past month 二、基本单元 The items being measured e.g., Salespeople, Days, Companies, Catalogs, . 三、变量 The type of measurement being done e.g., Sales volume, Cost, Productivity, Number of defects
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To learn the objectives of questionnaire esign. To understand the role of the questionnaire in the data collection process. To become familiar with the criteria for a good questionnaire. To learn the process for questionnaire design
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The Normal Distribution The Standard Normal Distribution Assessing the Normality Assumption The Exponential Distribution Sampling Distribution of the Mean Sampling Distribution of the Proportion Sampling From Finite Populations
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一、人际关系 二、沟通
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一、冲突的定义及种类 二、冲突的作用 三、冲突产生的原因 四、解决冲突的一般方法 五、如何有效地解决冲突
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一、企业文化的定义及作用 二、企业文化的内涵 三、如何建立企业文化 四、团队精神 五、如何搞好人际关系 六、企业文化实例
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The terms about food products---stores Dexecutive chef-----the chef who can make and carry out decisions; @ship's storekeeper-a person who is in charge of the storeroom onboard; ③ 3provider- -ship's supplier; stores lists-.... lists for recording ship's goods; fresh vegetables.---the plants for eating in good natural condition not long produced; 6store pallets--...---the large metal plates for lifting heavy goods; fresh fruit-...-a type of this object: fresh apples, oranges and grapes, etc
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4.1中文 Windows98概述 4.2 Windows98的基本知识和基本操作 4.3 Windows98资源管理器 4.4 Windows 98Fms-dos 4.5 Windows98控制面板 4.6 Windows98中文输入法 4. 77 Windows 9898多媒体管理 4.8 Windows2000简介
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第6章多媒体数据库及基于内容检索 一、多媒体数据管理 二、多媒体数据库管理系统 三、面向对象技术与 MDBMS 四、基于内容的检索技术
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