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Course overview The focus of this course is on financial theory and empirical evidence that are useful for investment decisions. The topics include: Financial theory: This include portfolio theory, CAPM, APT, discount factor model, they are important for decision-making in investments;
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Capital allocation The choice of proportion in safe asset and proportion in risky asset; Most institutional investors follows top- down analysis---The first part is asset allocation and the next part is security selection decision
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Arbitrage Pricing Theory Arbitrage-arises if an investor can construct a zero investment portfolio with a sure profit Since no investment is required, an investor can create large positions to secure large levels of profit
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INVESTMENTS Fourth Edition Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMHD Do security prices reflect information Why look at market efficiency Implications for business and corporate finance Implications for investment
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复旦大学:《用经济学智慧解读中国》PPT课程讲义_第3、4讲 中国的社会转型(用大历史观看中国社会转型、转型中的社会冲突与制度改进)
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复旦大学:《用经济学智慧解读中国》PPT课程讲义_第6、7讲 中国农业组织变迁(演化、问题与改进)
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复旦大学:《用经济学智慧解读中国》PPT课程讲义_第9讲 创新驱动发展的战略性布局
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复旦大学:《用经济学智慧解读中国》PPT课程讲义_第10讲 中国经济市场化改革的得与失
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:386KB 文档页数:6
复旦大学:《用经济学智慧解读中国》PPT课程讲义_第8讲 中国社会运行成本问题
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:870.55KB 文档页数:9
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