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the finite derwent meThod Ir position of boundary conditions(olis plcewent) We had obtained the aesewbed finite element eeve Kik2∞ Kht K Ki
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The finite element melod I In FEM I We derived basis functions of arbitrary order for Hhe rod Model
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The reaction on the left end is not exact because 1. The order of interpolation is too low, a higher order of interpolation would give the right reaction 2. The distributed load attributed to node one does not ke it into the solution
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The correct global local node mapping for the quadraticelement mesh in the figure is
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Finite element wodel of a beam(Euler-Bernollia- governing eQuations
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Numerical integration Consider He 4-D integral =+(s 1 Seek n-point apploxiwisfions G~2M =1 are the weights and
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cmaulenon o isoparametRic elemets (Bathes book Consider the uadriltersd denat shown in the 8oc nodd coordinates
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Concept Question How many quadrature points do you need to integrate exactly the stiffness matrix of a lD finite element with quadratic interpolation for the displacements? gauss
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properties of finite dement soltions Noded point equilibrio At a node, the sow of he elemeat nodal forces s in equilibriun with Hhe externed loads
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