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1 热辐射特点 (1)定义:由热运动产生的,以电磁波形式传递的能量; (2)特点:a任何物体,只要温度高于0K,就会不 停地向周围空间发出热辐射;b可以在真空中传 播;c伴随能量形式的转变;d具有强烈的方向性 e辐射能与温度和波长均有关;f发射辐射取决于 温度的4次方
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Note final ps For question 2(a)the value of k'in the final equation(Eq 3b) needs to be rescaled Tuesday lecture will be for questions on the last problem set Juan)
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光线轨迹:限制在子午平面内传播的周期曲线。轨迹曲线在 光纤端面投影线仍是过园心的直线,但一般不与纤壁相交。 广义折射定律:m(r)cos0(r)=K常数) 局部数值孔径:定义局部数值孔径NA(r)为入射点媒质折射率 与该点最大入射角的正弦值之积,即
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6.1求下列序列的变换X(z),并标明收敛域绘出X(z)的零极点图。 (1)()(k)
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Sliding Filament Model Myosin head Myosin filament Actin binding site Actin filament As the actin filament sin filament. the Rate constants k myosin head can bind to it at the red triangl
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1 有界函数若函数(x)在定义域D上既有上界又有下界,则 称为D上的有界函数。这个定义显然等价于,对一切x∈D,恒有f(x)≤K 有界函数的几何意义
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Introduction The purpose of this lecture is to help you familiarize with the workings of sequential equi- librium and \sequential equilibrium lite, i.e. perfect Bayesian equilibrium. The main focus is the \reputation\ result of Kreps and Wilson(1982). You should refer to OR for details and definitions: I am following the textbook quite closely. of the game in which an incumbent faces a sequence of K (potential) entrants. It is clear that, in the subgame in which the last entrant gets a chance to play, the incumbent will
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全响应:输入和初始状态都不为零时的响应 K合前C上已充有电压 O.)=U,求12时的+=0R+
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一、全响应:输入和初始状态都不为零时的响应。 K合前C上已充有电压
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