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一、选择填空题(将正确答案的字母填入括号内,每小题只不过一个正确答案,多填无分,本题共36分,每小题2分) 1.下列分子或离子中,不含有孤对电子的是() (A)NH (B)H2O (C)H2S (D) NH2
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生物代谢是指生物活体与外界环境不断进行的 物质(包括气体、液体和固体)交换过程。 ·合成代谢一般是指将简单的小分子物质转变成 复杂的大分子物质的过程。分解代谢则是将复 杂的大分子物质转变成小分子物质的过程。 ·糖、脂和蛋白质的合成代谢途径各不相同,但 是它们的分解代谢途径则有共同之处,即糖、 脂和蛋白质经过一系列分解反应后都生成了酮 酸并进入三羧酸循环,最后被氧化成CO2和H2O
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10.1 概述 烃化指的是在有机分子中的碳硅氮磷氧和硫等原子上引入烃基的总称。本章只讨论N-烃化、O-烃化和C-烃化。 10.2 N-烃化 有机分子中氨基上氢原子被烃基取代的反应叫N-烃化。 1)用醇类的N-烷化 醇类是弱烷化剂,芳胺的碱性也较弱,要求相当高的反应温度。 液相高压N-烷化一般用酸性催化剂如浓硫酸等。 气固相接触催化N-烷化的关键是催化剂的筛选
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pH of a buffer and buffer capacity Example: For a buffer solution consisting of 0. 1 M acetic acid and o1M sodium acetate the ph of the solution is 4.75 HAc= i If an amount of hydrochloric acid equivalent to 10% of the acetate present, is added to the buffer, what is the new pH of the solution?
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Design Requirement The design need to run at 78Mhz or above All the pin has been locked down, you can not changed any/o pin You are allowed to modify the circuit as far as the functional does not changed
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一、主板结构标准 二、主板内部插槽 三、外部设备接口 四、主板总线
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The status of forests: the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 ) emand has grown for a broad range of began in 1996. In that year, FAO convened an information on forests at the national and expert consultation in Kotka, Finland, where international levels. Reliable information on the some of the world's leading forest inventory status and trends o specialists provided technical advice on the scope decision-makers and implementation of FRA 2000 as well as on a orienting fores ch core set of forest-related definitions to be used in information is usef
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Copyright o 2004 by John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserve Published by John Wiley Sons, Inc, Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise
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一、概述 1、糖的含义:糖(saccharides)是多羟基醛或多羟基 ~ 酮及其衍生物、聚合物的总称。糖的分子中含有碳、氢、 氧三种元素,大多数糖分子中氢和氧的比例是2:1,因此 ,具有C(H2O)的通式,所以,糖又称为碳水化合物 ( carbohydrates),但有的糖分子组成并不符合这个通式 ,如鼠李糖(rhamnose)为C6H125
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教材重点挨拶O表现(上5、二人二、二人人、方节 寸孙在ビ) 分析难点日本語文構成·助詞「」、「」、「」助動詞 「寸」用法
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