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1.你知道电子的波函数和s,p,df四个量子数吗? 2.你知道H2O的结构吗?试绘出。 3.你对“毒酒”和“毒大米”等食品问题是否感到恐慌?原因? 4.对该课程的建议和要求
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固体的定容热容:C=()-E固体的平均内能。 一一固体内能包括晶格振动的能量和电子热运动的能量
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3-11某APD管用于波长1.55μm,其平均雪崩增益为20,响应度为0.6A/W,当每秒钟有 1000个光子入射时,计算其量子效率和输出光电流
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能带理论是目前研究固体中电子运动的一个主要理论基础在二十世纪二十年代末和三十年代初期, 在量子力学运动规律确立以后,它是在用量子力学研究金属电导理论的过程中开始发展起来的.最 初的成就在于定性地阐明了晶体中电子运动的普遍性的特点
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第一章光分析导论 1.1电磁辐射和电磁波谱 1.1.1.电磁辐射: 一种高速度通过空间传播的光量子流,它具有波粒二象性
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美国物理学家密立根历时七年之久,通过测量微小油滴所带的电荷,不仅证明了电 荷的不连续性,即所有的电荷都是基本电荷e的整数倍,而且测得了基本电荷的准确 值。电荷e是一个基本物理量,它的测定还为从实验上测定电子质量、普朗克常数等其 他物理量提供了可能性,密立根因此获得了1923年的诺贝尔物理学奖 密立根油滴实验用经典力学的方法,揭示了微观粒子的量子本性。因为它的构思巧 妙,设备简单,结果准确,所以是一个著名而有启发性的物理实验
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That streams of electrons possess the properties of beams of waves was dis- covered early in 1927 in a large industrial laboratory in the midst of a great city, and in a small university laboratory overlooking a cold and desolate sea. The coincidence seems the more striking when one remembers that facil- ities for making this discovery had been in constant use in laboratories throughout the world for more than a quarter of a century. And yet the coincidence was not, in fact, in any way remarkable. Discoveries in physics are made when the time for making them is ripe, and not before; the stage is set, the time is ripe, and the event occurs-more often than not at widely separated places at almost the same moment
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Nobel lecture december 12, 1933 On passing through an optical instrument, such as a telescope or a camera lens, a ray of light is subjec reflecting surface. The path of the rays can be constructed if we know the two simple laws which govern the changes in direction: the law of refrac- tion which was discovered by Snellius a few hundred years ago, and the law of reflection with which Archimedes was familiar more than 2,000 years ago
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◼ 不好分割 ◼ 整体近似 ◼ 总能做
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《量子力学》第五章 近似方法 5.1 定态微扰论
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