一、填空题(满分15分) 1.已知P(B)=0.3,P(AB)=0.7,且A与B相互独立,则P(A)= 学 2.设随机变量X服从参数为二项分布,且P{X=0}=,则p= 号: 3.设X~N(3,02),且PX<0}=0.1,则P{3
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1问题 人口问题是当前世界上人们最关心的问题之一认识人口数量的变化规律, 作出较准确的预报,是有效控制人口增长的前提下面介绍两个最基本的人口模 型,并利用表1给出的近两百年的美国人口统计数据,对模型做出检验,最后 用它预报2000年、2010年美国人口
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一、填空题(满分15分) 1.已知P(B)=0.3,P(AB)=0.7,且A与B相互独立,则P(A)= 学 2.设随机变量X服从参数为的泊松分布,且P{X=0}=,则= 号: 3.设X~N(2,2),且P(2
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第一节质量与全面质量管理 一质量的概念 根据IS09000:2000的定义: 质量是一组固有特性满足要求的程度. 由上述定义可知: (1)质量可存在于各个领域或任何事物中 (2)质量由一组固有特性组成. (3)满足要求是指应满足明确,隐含或必须履行的需要和期望
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Eco514 Game Theory The Trembling Hand: Normal-Form Analysis and Extensive-Form Implications Marciano Siniscalchi January 10, 2000 Introduction: Invariance In their seminal contribution, Von Neumann and Morgenstern argue that the normal form of a game contains all \strategically relevant\ information. This view, note well, does not invalidate or trivialize extensive-form analysis; rather, it leads those who embrace it to be suspicious of extensive-form solution concepts which yield different predictions in distinct
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Eco514 Game Theory Forward Induction Marciano Siniscalchi January 10, 2000 Introduction One of the merits of the notion of sequential equilibrium is the emphasis on out-of- equilibrium beliefs-that is, on beliefs (about past and future play)at information sets that should not be reached if given equilibrium is played. The key insight of extensive-form analysis is that out-of-equilibrium beliefs deter