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内部控制的目标与要素 内部控制的了解与描述 内部控制的测试 内部控制的评价 管理建议书
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审计目标 审计程序
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▪ 审计证据 ▪ 审计工作底稿
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▪ 审计方法概述 ▪ 审计技术方法
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▪ 注册会计师的职业道德 ▪ 注册会计师的法律责任 ▪ 风险防范和法律责任规避
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▪ 审计产生的动因 ▪ 审计的职能与对象 ▪ 审计的分类 ▪ 审计依据和审计准则 ▪ 中国的审计制度
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第一节 财产清查的概述 第二节 财产清查的方法 第三节 财产清查结果的处理
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Discussion Points How to measure returns? How to choose benchmark? How to adjust for risk? Performance attribution. Active return and risk
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Predictions and applications CAPM: in market equilibrium, investors are only rewarded for bearing the market risk; APT: in the absence of arbitrage, investors are only rewarded for bearing the factor risk Applications: ---professional portfolio managers: evaluating security returns and
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Discount model is in terms of conditional moments The first order condition is,u'( BE, [u'(c )x 1] The expectation is conditional expectation on investor's time t information; The basic pricing equation is P, =E, (m +1X1+)
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