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Stress: A Stimulus or Response Stimulus Response Treats stress as some The consequence of the characteristic or interaction between and event that may result
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Leadership Defined The process of influencing other to facilitate the attainment of organizationally relevant goals. Three Important Variables People Who are being lead Task What people are performing Environment
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Organizational Structure and Design Manager Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Organizational Design Purposeful and goal-oriented process Decisions/actions to predetermine the way employees do their work Organizational structure Relatively stable relationships and processes of the organization
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Managing Organizational Change Change is an inevitable, pervasive, persistent, and permanent condition for all organizations Organizations' futures depend on their ability to master change Effective managers must view managing planned
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Types of Decisions Programmed Nonprogrammed Repetitive and routine Novel and unstructured decisions and where a decisions required for definitive procedure is unique and complex developed to handle them management problems. McGraw-HillInwin
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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:香奈儿 Chanel
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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:观海尔成功之路
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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:苹果公司案例分析
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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:肯德基分析
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《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》课程教学参考资料:联想的企业文化及其发展——向心力组合
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