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Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Text A True Height Part 1 Pre-reading tasks Part 2 While-reading tasks Part 3 Post-reading tasks Text B Fourteen Steps Translation
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Teaching plan Book three Unit Five Section A Graceful hands. Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks (1)What does the title\ Graceful hands remind you of at first sight? (2)How did the woman die?
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复旦大学:《实用交际英语口语 Practical oral English communication》课程教学资源(阅读资料)d85934c3-eaff-4369-b548-0a0b76bce1ee
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Students will be able to: 1) know the basic contents and structure of a resume; 2) write an effective resume for different occasions
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Definition Frequent micturition: voiding at frequent intervals, due to a sense of bladder fullness Normal: 3-5 times in the day time 0-1 time in the night 200-400ml each time
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Structure Analysis Central topic: Time-conscious Americans (\Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being laborpara.1)
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1) provide some clues to what makes a Nobel Prize Winner. 2) give guidance to learners to listen and talk about famous person. 3) provide students with new words and expressions 4) learn how to analyze word formation 5) ask learners to write in a chronological sequence
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1) To listen to and then talk about business successes 2) To read about brand names 3) To write about a brand-name product 4) To practice reading skills: conceptual meaning 5) To learn and practice paragraph development by process 6) To practice Translating skills: Omission 7) To Learn to write advertisements 8) To visit Culture Salon about brand-name products
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1 summary 1.1 the company 1.2 analysis of the market 1.3 brand example 2 information accessment2.1 target market 2.2 product positioning 2.3 marketing strategy3 solution 3.1 targeting strategy 3.2 product positioning 3.3 marketing strategy 4 justification The example of swatch
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《艺术概论》 《中国音乐史与名作赏析》 《西方音乐史与名作赏析》 《中西方文化比较》 《心理学》 《当代教育学》 《现代教育技术》 《教师职业技能及训练》 《乐理与视唱练耳》 《多声部音乐分析与写作》 《民族民间音乐》 《合唱》 《合唱指挥》 《乐器常识》 《学校音乐教育导论与教材教法》 《声乐基础理论》 《声乐 1-4》 《钢琴基础理论》 《钢琴 1-4》 《即兴伴奏》 《器乐(手风琴)》 《器乐(阮)》 《器乐(电子琴双排键)》 《器乐(电子键盘乐器演奏)》 《声乐 5-8》 《钢琴 5-8》 《舞蹈》 《音乐英语》 《电脑音乐制作基础》 《钢琴调律》 《钢琴教材教法》 《声乐教材教法》 《舞台表演实践》 《书法》 《公共美术》 《教育心理学》 《教育研究方法》 《艺术实践》 《教育见习》 《教育实习》 《毕业论文》 《创新教育》
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