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9.1MCS-51单片机与D/A转换器的接口和应用 9.2MCS-51单片机与A/D转换器的接口和应用
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语五年级下册Module 8 Unit 2 I made a kite.Module 8 Unit 2 I made a kite.习题(1)
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定理4(介值定理) 设函数f(x)在闭区间[a,b]上连续,且f(a)(b),那么,对于 f(a)与f(b)之间的任意一个数C,在开区间(a,b)内至少有一点5 使得=C
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在极限lim[1+a(x)]a(x)中,只要a(x)是无穷小,就有 lim[+a(x) ](x)=e. 这是因为,令u=,则u→∞,于是
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准则I 如果数列{xn}{yn}及{zn}满足下列条件 (1)(n=1,2,3,) (2)lim yn=a, lim zn=a n→∞ n→∞ 那么数列{xn}的极限存在,且 lim xn=a
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1 一般描述 在一定的温度(T)和压力(p)下,溶质A在气相和液相中组成的关系为什么仅仅是组分A? 组成的表述有多种方法气相中:分压pA,摩尔分数yA,摩尔比YA液相中:摩尔浓度cA(kmol/m3),摩尔分数A,摩尔比A
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Lors de l'embauche a I'entreprise, toute personne affectee au travail et a la manipulation des produits est soumise a un examen medical, par le medecin conventionne de la societe. Celui-ci delivre un certificat medical a toute personne saine et assure son suivi medical au moins une fois par an. Au besoin
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一、概述 二、D/A转换器及其接口技术 三、A/D转换器及其接口技术 四、A/D转换芯片0809 五、串行8位A/D转换器TLC0831
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Ⅰ、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 每题给出四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将正确答案的标号(A或B或C或D) 写在题号前的横线上 1、积分∫es(-3)d等于 (A)0(B)1(C)e3OD)e3 2、下列等式不成立的是 (A)f0)6\(0)=f(0)6'(0 B)A06(0=f()5( (C)f)*6(0)=f(0 (D)f0)°(0)=f(0
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Air Safety: End of the Golden Age? First-World aviation has become so safe that a passenger who takes a domestic jet flight every day would on average go 36,000 years before succumbing to a fatal crash. But certain aerial dangers that were practically absent from the First World in the 1990s might be poised for a resurgence (Among these hazards are terrorism, mid-air collisions, and ground collisions. We explore recent data about the mortality risk of air travel, and discuss the prospects for the years ahead Arnold barnett
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