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Letter Writing (Samples and Instruction) My dearest friend Recently I have noticed a habit of yours that is becoming a serious problem. It smoking. As long as you are in, our bedroom is filled with terrible smell and the ashtray is overflowed with cigarette butts
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(1)原理和方法 根据热力学第一定律: 状态变化过程中,作功和传递热量往往是同时 进行的。 如果一个热力学系统从内能为E1的初状态I变 化到内能
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特勒根定理电路理论中对集总电路普遍适用的 基本定理,与基尔霍夫定律等价,它有两种 形式。 特勒根定理1:对于一个具有n个结点和b条支路 的电路,假设各支路电流和支路电压取关联 参考方向,并令i、u分别为b条支路的电流 和电压。则对任何时间t,有:
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形态学(M)(组织化学)、免疫表型(I 细胞遗传学(C)、分子生物学(M)的发 展过程。 MICMG(基因)的可能
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Ellipsis I In compound sentences 电压的单位是伏特,电流的是安培。 Voltage is measured in volts and current in amperes. 地球吸引月球,月球也吸引地球 The earth attracts the moon and the moon the earth
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Univariate versus Multivariate Analysis Univariate analysis Solely interested in an isolated characteristic of a set of objects, irrespective of other variable characteristics possessed by the objects Examples the study of the achievement test scores of students X the salaries of workers
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Kingdom I: Proteobacteria Purple phototrophic Bacteria The Nitrifying bacteria Sulfur- and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria Methanotrophs and Methylotrophs Pseudomonas and pseudomonads Acetic Acid bacteria Free-Living Aerobic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Neisseria Chromobacterium and relatives Enteric bacteria
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HACCP-An Introduction to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System I. Introduction The acronym HACCP, which stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, is one which evokes 'food safety'. Originally
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