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一、课程的地位、作用和任务 水工建筑物是水利水电工程专业中的主干课程之一,通过对本课程的基础知识、基本理论和基本技 能的学习,为今后从事本专业的技术工作打下基础。本课程的基本任务,是使学生掌握主要水工建筑物的 工作特点、型式、构造、设计理论及设计方法:具备重力坝、拱坝、土坝、水闸、溢洪道、水工隧洞和渠 系建筑物的设计能力;具备水利枢纽布置设计能力:具备水利工程管理、水工建筑物原型观测的能力
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土石坝渗流分析的内容:①确定浸润线的位置;② 确定渗流的主要参数——渗流流速与坡降;③确定 渗流量。 土石坝渗流分析的目的:①对初选的坝的形状与尺 寸进行检验,确定渗流作用力,为核算坝坡稳定提 供依据;②进行坝体防渗布置与土料配置,根据坝 体内部的渗流参数和渗流逸出坡降,检验土体的渗 流稳定,防止发生管涌与流土,在此基础上确定坝 体及坝基中防渗体的尺寸与排水设施的容量和尺寸 ;③确定通过坝和河岸的渗流水量损失并设计排水 系统的容量
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物流系统控制手段 一、反馈控制:根据结果 二、前馈控制:根据预测 三、过程控制:控制突发事件
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5.1经营决策的意义和分类 5.2经营决策的程序和一般原则
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1.0 概述 1.1 流体的物理性质 1.2 流体静止的基本方程 1.3 流体流动的基本概念 1.4 流体流动的总衡算方程 1.10 流动阻力的计算 1.11 管路计算与流量测量
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1.Introduction moManaging information systems today comprises the areas of application development, primarily process ng and data modeling, as well as system introduction training, maintenance, and the task of coping with innovation, meaning the responsibility of keeping the technological basis up to date Developing and running specialised systems, general information information systems and open and integrated
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一、财务报表分析和报告 二、财务分析应用与解释 三、杜邦分析体系、EVA以及上市公司财务报表
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Earnings Persistence Recasting and Adjusting Earnings persistence is a key to effective equity analysis and valuation Analyzing earnings persistence is a main analysis objective
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Short-Term Forecasting Objective and Users Main objective is analysis of liquidity Sufficient cash to effectively operate Ability to service short-term debt Liquidity is of interest to both internal and external users Managers(cash for operations) Creditors (loan safeguards) Investors(return implications) Auditors( going concern analysis) Numerous others
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Return on Invested Capital Importance of Joint Analysis Joint analysis is where one measure is assessed relative to another Return on invested capital (ROI) is an important joint analysis
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