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Causation and Treatment Professor of Obstetrics, Northwestern University Medical School Jos. B. De Lee Published in Medicine (Detroit) 3: 643-660, 1897. The highest mortality that befalls the human race in one day occurs on the day of birth. It is said that the most important period of the life of a human being is the time spent in utero. The most trying ordeal a human being sustains is the ordeal of birth
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Effects of glucocorticoid Effects on metabolism Effects on immunologic function and inflammatory Effects on musculoskeletal and connective tissues Effects on fluid and electrolyte homeostasis Neuropsychiatric and behavioral effects Gastrointestinal effects Developmental effects
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一、上尿路感染(肾盂肾炎) 二、下尿路感染(膀胱炎)
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CU-皿C、红东祖C proerythroblast(原始RBC) Basophilic normoblast(早幼rC) Polychromatic mormoblast(中幼RBC) Orthrochromatic normoblast(晚幼RBC)此 阶段脱核进入血循环 Reticulocyte(网织RBC) 经特殊染色见到丝状或网状结构,保留残余线 粒体和核糖,仍有继续合成Hb的能力(从早幼 RBC开始)
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一 、概述: Summary 十二指肠溃疡 Duodenal ulcer,Du 胃溃疡 Gastric ulcer, Gu
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1.RA的基本病理改变是什么? 2.RA慢性期有何病理改变?此期关节炎有何表现?
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肾小球疾病系指一组有相似的临床表现(如 血尿、蛋白尿、高血压等),但病因、发病机制 、病理改变、病程和预后不尽相同,病变主要 累及双肾肾小球的疾病。分为原发性、继发性 和遗传性肾小球疾病
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心脏传导组织自律性分级 1.停博 arrest 2逸博 3逸博心律和加速性逸博心律 4.正常 normal 5.心动过速 tachycardia 6.扑动 flutter 7.颤动fibrilation
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Content: 1. Atherosclerosis 2. Angina pectoris 3. Myocardial infarction
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一、考研阅读的基本情况: 1.重要性:“考研成败在于英语,英语成败在于阅读”—阅读40分,应拿到26分以上 2.题型:见九大题型解题思路详解 3.文章特点:三个特色 (1)在内容上,分为三大类别: ①科学即自然科学:出题不多,主要涉及医学、生物学,科学史等
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