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文档格式:PPT 文档大小:670KB 文档页数:41
• Marx on Refication • Lukács on Reficatino • Gramsci on Hegemony • Horkheimer and Adorno on Culture Industry • Habermas on Communicative Action and Public Sphere
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:3.42MB 文档页数:40
Ø 人的需要与面临的风险 Ø 应对风险的机制 Ø 社会保障的内涵及其优劣势 Ø 中国当前社会对社会保障的需求
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:414.5KB 文档页数:27
• Parsons: Functional Imperatives , Structure of the General Action System and Pattern Variables • Merton: Clarifying functional analysis, Dysfunctions, and Manifest and Latent functions
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上海交通大学:《风险与社会保障》通识课程教学资源(2014PPT讲稿)第六讲 医疗保险
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:438KB 文档页数:33
• Schutz’s Phenomenological Sociology • Peter Berger and Luckmann: Sociology of Knowledge in Phenomenological Perspective • Bourdieu on Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology • Garfinkel: Ethnomethodology
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:523KB 文档页数:25
• Cooley: Looking-glass self and social self • Thomas: the definition of the situation • Mead: play, game and the generalized other • References for Erving Goffman
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Enlightenment A European cultural movement that reached its height in the 18th century but which still resonates today. Enlightenment theories about economics and philosophy still widely held today, have provided the basis for numerous critiques from numerous critics
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An introduction to Western Social Theory e l.The significance of studying western social theory e1. 1 The developing tendency of social science =1. 2 The sociology's researching target 3.1.3 The independence of sociology
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