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There are many different types of market structure. The main ones are: 1. Perfect Competition: Many small price-taking firms in an industry with free-entry. 2. Monopoly: One large price-setting firm in an industry with barriers to entry
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1、为什么一个经济的总收入等于其总支出 2、如何定义和计算国内生产总值GDP 3、说明GDP分为四个主要部分 4、了解实际GDP与名义GDP之间的区别 5、考虑GDP是不是经济福利良好的衡量指标
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货币的含义 货币是任何一种被普遍接受为交换媒介,并 且具有价值储藏和计算单位功能的经济工具。 换言之,在购买商品劳务或清偿债务时被广 泛接受的任何物品都可以称作货币。 货币:经济中人们经常用于向其他人购买物 品与劳务的一组资产
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1、金融即资金融通,指资金储蓄者与借款人就让渡资金使用权发生的交易行为。 2、如果资金是经济的血液,金融就是血液循环的系统。 3、金融体系是由经济中帮助一个人的储蓄与另外一个人的投资相匹配的机构组成。 4、金融机构可以分为两种类型:金融市场和金融机构
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1. Course Objective This course is intended for those taking Prelims in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Mods in Modern History and Economics, Prelims in Economics and Management and Part Is in Engineering, Economics and Management or Materials, Economics and Management
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The monopolist is the only firm in the industry. Therefore, they face the entire demand curve. Profits are given by total revenue minus total costs. π = p(y)y − c(y). p(y) is the inverse demand curve
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Production requires inputs — factors of production — for example, labour and capital equipment. A production set is the set of outputs feasible given a particular combination of inputs. The production function
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There is another way to decompose the price effect. For simplicity consider a consumer with fixed income m. The Hicks decomposition involves pivoting the budget line around the initial indifference curve rather than the initial bundle. The diagram below illustrates for a price decrease in good 1
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The last lecture investigated which bundle of goods the consumer prefers. However, goods cost money and the consumer cannot afford to buy indefinite amounts of each good
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