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Analyzing Profitability Focus of Profitability Analysis Profitability analysis is key part of financial statement analysis All financial statements are pertinent to profitability analysis Emphasis of profitability analysis is on the income statement
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Statement of Cash Flows Relevance of Cash Flows Cash Defined refers to cash and cash equivalents. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are (1) readily convertible to known amounts of cash, and (2) near maturity (typically within 3 months) with limited risk of price changes due to interest rate shifts
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Intercorporate nvestments Definitions Intercorporate investments investments by one corporation in the equity securities of another corporation Parent- corporation who controls, Macintosh PICT enerally through ownership of equity image format
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Liabilities Definition Macintosh PICT image format is not supported A liability is probable future payment of assets or services that company is presently obligated to make as a result of past transactions or events
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Business Analysis Evaluate Prospects Evaluate Risks Business Decision Makers Equity investors Creditors Managers Merger and Acquisition Analysts External Auditors Directors Regulators
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1.本号准则适用于对政府补助的会计处理和揭示,以及对其他形式的政府援助的揭示。 2.本号准则不涉及下列内容: (1)在反映物价变动影响的财务报表或类似性质的补充资料中由于对政府补助进行会计处理所产生的特殊问题;
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在许多国家,提供退休金成为企业对员工报酬的重要组成部分。因此,在财务 报表中对退休金费用进行适当的核算和揭示是至关重要的。 本号准则旨在阐明将提供退休金的费用确认为费用的时间以及应予确认的金 额。此外,还阐明了在企业财务报表中应于揭示的有关信息
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一、流动负债概述 二、短期借款 三、应付票据与应付帐款 四、应付工资与应付福利费 五、应交税金与其他应交款 六、其他应付及预收款项 七、或有事项
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本号准则旨在对与建筑合同有关的收入与成本的会计处理作出规定。 由于建筑合同所从事的活动的性质,使得合同规定的活动的开始日期与活动的 完成日期隶属于不同的会计期间。因此,建筑合同会计的主要问题,是如何将收入 与成本分配于开展建筑工程的不同会计期间。 在确定何时在损益表中将合同收入和合同成本确认为收入和费用时,本号准则 使用了“编制和呈报财务报表的结构”中所建立的确认标准。本号准则也为应用这 些标准提供实务方面的指导
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2.1资本真实性、成长性分析 2.2财务结构分析 2.3资产项目分析 2.4负债和所有者权益分析 2.5资产质量分析 2.6偿债能力分析
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