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复旦大学:《细胞生物学 Cell Biology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第一章 前言——教材及编者简介 Introduction to the cell Biology
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• Nucleus of a Eukaryotic Cell • Nuclear Envelope • Nuclear Pore Complex • Chromatin • Nucleolus and Ribosome Biogenesis • Nuclear Matrix
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Microbial molecular biology and genetics A clone: a population of cells that are derived asexually from a parental cell and are genetically identical. Genome: all the genes present in cell or virus. Central dogma:dna→rna→ protein transcription translation
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复旦大学:《医学免疫学 Medical Immunology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)B cell and B cell-mediated humoral immune response(2/2)
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许田教授 82年复旦大学遗传专业毕业,87年获耶鲁大学生物学专业 硕士学位、90年获博士学位,90年-93年在c- Be从事博 士后研究。93到耶鲁大学执教,先后任助理教授、副教授、教 授、系副主任和休斯医学研究所成员。 发明在果蝇研究中广泛使用的镶嵌体分析技术,领导研究 组在抑癌基因、发育及疾病的产生机制方面有诸多重要贡献, 在Cell和 Nature Genetics等刊物上发表了多篇论文并获发明 专利6项。2001年与韩珉、庄原教授一起创建了复旦大学发育 生物学研究所,有关PB转座子的发现发表在《e》上,是我 校第一篇Cell论文
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复旦大学:《医学免疫学 Medical Immunology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)T cell & T cell-mediated immunity
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Medical Genetics The normal 46 chromosomes in our body are contained in the center of the cell, which is called the nucleus. Mitochondria are structures in the cell located outside of the nucleus in the cytoplasm, that also contain genes that are separate from the ones in the nucleus
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2.4 Physiological Diversity of Microorganisms 2.5 Prokaryotic Diversity 2.6 Eukaryotic Microorganisms 4.4. Cell Morphology and the Significance of BeingSmall 4.5 Cytoplasmic Membrane: Structure 4.6 Cytoplasmic Membrane: Function 4.8 The Cell Wall of Prokaryotes: Peptidoglycan andRelated Molecules 4.9 The Outer Membrane of Gram-Negative Bacteria
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5.1 Microbial Nutrition 5.2 Culture Media 5.3 Laboratory Culture of Microorganisms 6.1 Cell Growth and Binary Fission 6.2 Peptidoglycan Synthesis and Cell Division 6.3 Population Growth 6.4 The Growth Cycle 6.5 Direct Measurements of Microbial Growth 6.6 Indirect Measurements of MicrobialGrowth
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4.10 Flagella and Motility 4.11 Gliding Motility 4.12 Bacterial Responses: Chemotaxis,Phototaxis, and other Taxes 4.13 Bacterial Cell Surface Structuresand Cell Inclusions 4.14 Gas Vesicles 4.15 Endospores
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