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Forthcoming in the Chicago Law Review (2005) In March of 2003, as American tanks rolled toward Baghdad, international lawyers in the United States and abroad decried the action as a violation of the United Nations Charter. The invasion, some worried, would strip away the last pretense that international law could
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1. The present paper is intended to inform and stimulate discussion about the rule of law, with a focus on issues that are important for the development and maintenance of effective criminal justice systems. It will be seen that there are differing concepts of the rule of law and that taken broadly it covers a very wide range of legal and social issues. To permit discussion on a uniform basis, the paper
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iuseppe Dari Mattiacci-Francesco Parisi The Economics of Tort Law: A Precis ABSTRACT: Economic analysis has long been employed for the study of tort liability. This paper revisits the main contributions to the subject emphasizing the inherent impossibility for tort liability to set perfectly efficient first-best incentives to take precaution for all parties to an accident and the need to choose among second best
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本章将从基本的电磁实验定律出发建立真空中的Maxwell’s equations。并从微观角度论证了存在介质时的Maxwell’s equations 的形式及其电磁性质的本构关系 。 继而给出 Maxwell’s equations在边界上的形式,及其电磁场的能量和能流 , 最 后 讨 论 Maxwell’s equations的自洽性和完备性。 §1.1 电荷守恒定律 The Conservation Law of Charge §1.2 电荷与电场 Electric Charge and Electric Field 库仑定律 叠加原理 电场 高斯定理 电场的散度 电场的旋度 §1.3 电流和磁场 Electric Current and Magnetic Field §1.4 麦克斯韦方程组 Maxwell’s equations §1.5 介质的电磁性质 Electromagnetic Property in Medium §1.6 电磁场边值关系 Boundary Conditions of Electromagnetic Field §1.7 电磁场的能量和能流 Energy and Energy Flow of Electromagnetic Field
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§4.1 定轴转动运动学 (Kinematics of Rotation About a Fixed Axis) §4.2 定轴转动定律 (The Law of Rotation About a Fixed Axis) §4.3 转动中的功和能 (Rotational Work and Energy) §4.4 定轴转动的角动量守恒定律 (The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum About a Fixed Axis)
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广东财经大学:公共管理学院《劳动与社会保障法》课程教学大纲 Labor Law and Security Law
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§3.1 动量定理 (Theorem of Momentum) §3.2 动量 守恒定律 (The Law of Conservation of Momentum) §3.3 质心 (The Center of Mass) §3.4 角动量守恒定律 (The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum)
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Public Law and Legal Theory Abusive Trademark Litigation and the Shrinking Doctrine of Consumer Confusion: Rethinking Trademark Paradigms in the Context of Entertainment Media and Cyberspace By: Kevin J. Greene Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 27 (forthcoming) This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection at:
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§2.1 Basic terms in thermodynamics §2.3 Heat of a chemical reaction To study chemistry using the theories and methods of thermodynamics 1) heat exchange in chemical reactions (Herein), 2) directions and extent of reaction processes (see Chapter 4) §2.2 the First law of thermodynamic §2.4 the Hess’s law
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§2.1 Basic terms in thermodynamics §2.3 Heat of a chemical reaction To study chemistry using the theories and methods of thermodynamics 1) heat exchange in chemical reactions (this chapter), 2) directions and extent of reaction processes (see Chapter 4) §2.2 the First law of thermodynamics §2.4 the Hess’s law
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