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3.5方阵的行列式 定义5.1设A=(an)是一个n阶矩阵,则A自然地 确定了一个阶行列式det(an)这个行列式称为 A的行列式,记作|A|或detA
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9-3实系数多项式根的分布 9.3.1复系数多项式的根的绝对值的上界 命题设f(x)=axn+a1xn+…+an∈C[x],其中a≠0而n≥1。令 a=max{ 则对f(x)的任一复根a,有|ak1+A/a 证明如果A=0,则a=0,命题成立。下面设A>0 如果|a1+A/a,那么,因为f(a)=0,故有 la Haa++aa a+…+an ≤A(ar-++1)=a(la--1)/(a-1) 现在|a>1,故从上式立刻得到 la a\ Ala\ /(al-1) 两边消去|a,得|ak1+A/a|,矛盾
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9.2.2Qx]内多项式的因式分解 定义9.12定义Z[x]={axn+a1x+…+∈Z,i=01n}。 假设f(x)∈Z[x],f(x)≠0及±1。如果g(x)h(x)∈[x],使得f(x)=g(x)h(x), 且g(x)≠±1,h(x)≠±1,则称f(x)在Z[x]内可约,否则称f(x)在Z[x]内不可约 定义9.13设 f(x)=ax+axn+…+an∈Z[x], 这里n≥1。如果(aa1an)=1,则称f(x)是一个本原多项式。 命题Q[x]内一个非零多项式f(x)可以表成一个有理数k和一个本原多项式f(x)的
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9.1.7用形式微商判断多项式是否有重因式 定义9.10设f(x)=ax+a1x+…+an-1x+an∈K[x],定义 f\(x)=na\+(n-1)\-+..+[], 称f(x)为f(x)的一阶形式微商。 设f(x)的k-1阶形式微商已定义,记作f((x)则定义它的k阶形式微商fx)为 f(x)的一阶形式微商:f((x)=(f((x)另外我们约定f(x)=f(x) 命题设f(x)∈K[x],如果K[x]内的不可约多项式p(x)是f(x)的k重因式,则 p(x)是f(x)的k-1重因式
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第三章3-2n阶方阵的行列式(续) 3.2.5行列式的按任意列展开和特殊矩阵的行列式 1、行列式的按任意行(列)展开 定义命A=(-1)M,称为a的代数余子式 = 命题按行列式的第i行展开,有 证明将第i行先后与第i-1,i-2,…,1行交换,再展开。 推论行列式按第j行展开,有a=a 2、范德蒙行列式 形如 111 |= a1a2…an an 的行列式称为范德蒙行列式
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An introduction to biotechnological innovations in the chemical industry 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Production processes 1.3 Choice of production process
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Composition Structure Many good compositions of academic writing (e.g. report, an essay, an assignment, a project) have their organizational structure or their ways in which the different parts are linked together. The following general plan for three paragraph composition will help to control the overall structure of your writing
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1.aM with an Arbitrary Periodic Carrier 2. Pulse Train Carrier and Time-Division Multiplexing 3. Sinusoidal Frequency modulation 4. DT Sinusoidal am 5. DT Sampling, Decimation,d Interpolation
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Introduction to Engineering Heat Transfer These notes provide an introduction to engineering heat transfer. Heat transfer processes set limits to the performance of aerospace components and systems and the subject is one of an enormous range of application. The notes are intended to describe the three types of heat transfer and provide basic tools to enable the readers to estimate the magnitude of heat transfer rates in realistic aerospace
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Atomic Structure All natural and most synthetic substances on earth are made from the ninety naturally occurring chemical elements. An atom is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided while still retaining the chemical characteristics of that element (fig 3. 1). The nucleus, at the center of the atom contains one or more particles with a positive electrical charge(protons fif and usually some particles of similar mass that have no charge(neutrons
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