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1.掌握: (1)掌握卵巢的结构特点和功能。 (2)掌握子宫的结构及其周期性变化
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1.掌握: (1)生精小管的结构。 (2)精子的发生过程。 (3)间质细胞的结构特点和功能。 (4)血睾屏障的结构
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1.掌握 (1)肾实质的结构特点和功能 (2)球旁复合体的组成和球旁细胞及致密斑的功能
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1.掌握: (1)大唾液腺的一般结构 (2)胰的结构特点及功能。 (3)肝的结构特点和功能
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Organizational Culture common perception held by the organization's members; a system of shared meaning Innovation and risk taking Attention to detail Outcome, people or team orientation Aggressiveness
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山东大学:《组织行为学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四讲 价值观、态度和工作满意度
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Alderfer's ERG Theory Core needs are existence, relatedness and growth Existence- provision of basic material requirements Relatedness-desire for relationships Growth -desire for personal development More than one need can be operative at the same time
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Individuals who achieve goals and results with and through other people by making decisions, allocating resources, and directing activities
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Big Five Model Extroversion- sociable, assertive Agreeableness-good-natured, cooperative, trusting Conscientiousness- responsible, dependable, persistent Openness to experience-
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