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一、选择题 A型题 1.a2.e3.d4.c5.d6.b7.8.d9.c10.e11.a 12.e13.a14.c15.b16.a17.d18.e19.d20.c21.c22.c 23.c24.b25.b26.c27.a2
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一、选择题 A型题 1.a2.a3.c4.e5.d6.c7.8.b9.b10.e11.c12.c 13.a14.b15.c16.e17.c18.c19.e20.e21.e22.c 23.d24.a25.e26.b27.e28.e29.d30.C31.B 32.d33.d34.a35.c36.b37.c38.a39.e40.a
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一、选择题 A型题 1.d2.c3.e4.e5.d6.a7.e8.c9.c10.b1.d12.a 13.b14.a15.d16.e17.e18.e19.c20.c21.b22d 23.c24.c25.c26.d27.e28.c29.c30.c31.b32.b
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一、选择题 A型题 1.e2.b3.c4.c5.a6.c7.8.c9.b10.be 12.c13.a14.d15.e16.b17.e18.e19.a20.21.22. 23.b24.a25.c26.c27.b28.c29.a30.c31.c32.d33.b
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11、1双稳态触发器 11、2寄存器 11、3计数器 11、4555定时器 11、16数模和模数转换
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16.1 由门电路构成的多谐振荡器和单稳态触发器 16.2 集成单稳74123 16.3 集成定时器555
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1963/1.206J16.77ESD215JThe Schedule design problem Outline Problem Definition and Objective Schedule design with Constant market Share Schedule design with variable market Share Schedule design solution Algorithm Results Next Steps A Look to the Future in airline schedule optimization
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Purposes 1. To get students know something about Valentihe's Day and how people celebrate it 2. To understand the purpose of writing 3. To reinforce some basic linguistic knowledge by doing various type of exercises
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对称性是一个体系最重要的性质。前面求解 Schrodinger方程时,我们看到,利用体系 的左右对称性就可以大大简化方程的求解
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