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September 12, 2001 The Problem of Evil Last time we considered the ontological argument for the existence of God. If the argument is cogent, then we have reason to be rational theists, i.e., to maintain that there are justifying reasons for belief in God's existence. Today we're going to consider an argument for atheism which purports to show that theism is incoherent, i.e., that theism entails a contradiction. If the argument works, then the only option available to the theist would be irrational theism: belief in God's existence in spite of justifying reasons supporting
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一、名词解释。 活性污泥:是由多种好氧微生物、某些兼性或厌氧微生物以及废水中的固体物 质、胶体等交织在一起的呈黄褐色絮体。 生物膜法:污水经过从前往后具有细菌→原生动物→后生动物、从表至里具好 氧→兼氧→厌氧的生物处理系统而得到净化的生物处理技术
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一、名词解释。(每题3分,共15分) 活性污泥生物膜剩余污泥量污泥膨胀污泥体积系数 二、填空题。(每空1分,共25分) 1.写出下列字符含义
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Structure Analysis Central topic: Time-conscious Americans (\Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being laborpara.1)
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1.二十世纪的重大发现: 1)电子的发现:JJ汤姆逊(英国)和 A密立根(美国)。重要意义: 电子 打开了原子世界的大门, 为比氢原子更小的粒子 第一个基本粒子。 2)x射线的发现:伦琴(德国)1895年11月8日。第 一荣获诺贝尔物理学奖的科学家。重要意义: X射线是什么?电磁波还是粒子? 重大的应用价值
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5.1问题的提出和数学模型 一、引例:某企业生产I、Ⅱ两种产品,其生产的参数 如表中所示。在制定生产计划时要考虑如下内容: (1)依据市场反馈信息,I产品出现滞销,预测表明 ,两种产品的生产比例大致保持1:1为宜; (2)设备能力尚有机动的余地,B设备必要时可以加班, 但希望加班时间愈少愈好;A设备较为重要,所以既希望 能力能够被充分利用,同时又尽量少加班;
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第四章整数规划 一、 Integer Programming整数规划 二、A// Integer Programming全整数规划 三、Mixed Programming混合整数规划
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Medical genetics Mutations(changes) in the mitochondrial chromosome are responsible for a number of disorders
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Deployment and Geometry Maintenance Deployable Membranes Used for solar arrays, sunshields, decoys Being researched for apertures starting at RF and eventually going to optical Inflatables First US satellite was inflated (ECHO D) Enables a very large deployment ratio -=deployed over stowed dimension
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