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1、请先登记 每组请先到前面讲台登记,请写清楚下面几项:组员、设计项目、实验台编号、开始实验时间,离开时写清楚离开时间
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1、设计任务 设计一个测量系统(或者加入控制部分,构成测控系统)并实现它,最后要对系统进行校准。要求包括完整的设计,含传感器、信号调理电路、数字显示以及电源部分,如下图:
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一、了解典型机电一体化产品的设计思想。 二、认识用光电编码器测量平面位移的方法。 三、培养分析评价机电产品的初步能力
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General Description de range of applica is local on card bypassing is needed only if the regulator is located far from 9 gulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated the filter capacitor of the power supply rith single point regulation. The voltages available allow For output voltage other
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一、初步认识电阻器、电容器、二极管、稳压二极管的基本特性 二、建立系统和地(GND)的概念。区别电路测量“系统”和普通电路原理图
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一、力的现象随处可见,小到一只蚊子翅膀的拍动,大到一辆货车的重量 二、灵巧机械手:为了防止机械手抓取鸡蛋时把鸡蛋捏碎,需要测量哪些物理量?如何测量?
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3.6.1 稳态误差的定义 3.6.2 系统类型 3.6.3 扰动作用下的稳态误差
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6.3.1 串联超前校正(基于频率响应法) 6.3.2 串联滞后校正(基于频率响应法) 6.3.3 串联滞后-超前校正
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System compensation is the process of designing a controller that will produce an acceptable transient response while maintaining a desired steady-state accuracy .These two design objectives are conflicting in most systems ,since small errors imply high gains reduce system stability and may even drive the system unstable .Compensation may be thought of as the process of increasing the stability of a system without reducing its accuracy below minimum acceptable standards
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