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We might distinguish between two types of constitutional re- gimes, one codifying, the other transformative. A codifying consti- tutional regime aims at preserving something essential from the then- current constitutional or legal culture to protect it against change in the future; a transformative constitutional regime aims at changing g something essential in the then-current constitutional or legal cul- ture to make it different in the future. The picture of the codifying
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The foundational White Paper\Copyright and Digital Media in a Post-Napster World, by the Berkman Center for Internet Society and GartnerG2, explores a variety of issues surrounding the current digital media ecosystem. The White Paper examines
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The financial privacy law passed by Congress in 1999 has been the target of scathing criticism. On one side, banks and other financial institutions have complained about the high costs of the billions of notices sent to consumers, apparently to widespread consumer indifference. On the other side, privacy
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一、启动 1.使用“开始”菜单启动AutoCAD2000 ①执行“开始”→“程序”→“AutoCAD22000
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一、缺乏自然对比 二、以造影检查为主 三、同时观察形态与功能 四、结合病史、体检、化验、内窥镜等资料 五、对溃疡病、肿瘤、肠梗阻,有特殊价值
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译者序 盖乌斯·苏维托尼乌斯·特兰克维鲁斯 (G aius Suet- nius tranquillus是罗马帝国早期的著名传记体历史作家。 像许多古代学者一样,作者详细地记载了许多别人的故事,却 没有留下关于他自己的事迹。我们现在可据以了解苏维托尼 乌斯生平的资料主要来源于小普林尼的《书信集》。小普林尼 有给苏维托尼乌斯本人的信,在给别人的书信中也有多处提 到苏维托尼乌斯。其次是苏维托尼乌斯自己的《罗马十二帝 王传》(以下简称《帝王传》)和《名人传》,他在记述故事时 偶然也提到自己或自己的亲人
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《三极管资料》TIP 2SA B C IRF
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