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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (points) Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections Section A(20X 1)
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1.柴油机运转中,检查活塞环漏气的最有效方法是 A.测最高爆发压力 B.测压缩压力 C.测排气温度 D.测缸套冷却水温度
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一、单项选择题(在下列各题答案选项中,选出一个正确答案。每题1分共20分) 1.准确描述中华人民共和国海关的性质,中华人民共和国海关是国家的机关。 A.行政管理 B.进出口管理 C.进出关境监督管理 D.行政执法
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1剪切与挤压的概念与实例 1-1剪切的概念与实例 工程中常用的联接件,如销钉、键、螺栓、铆钉、焊缝等,都是构件承受剪切的实 例。图5.1a所示的铆钉联接,当拉力F增加时铆钉沿mm截面发生相对错动(图 5.1c),甚至可能被切断。其受力特点是:铆钉受到一对大小相等、方问相反、作用线平 行且相距很近的外力作用
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1.实验测得三氯甲烷(A)和丙酮(B)混合物在101.325kPa下的VLE 数据如下
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1.设CH6和C6H3CH3组成理想溶液。2℃时纯苯的饱和蒸气压 是9.96kPa,纯甲苯的饱和蒸气压是2.97kPa。把由1 mol(A)和 4 mol3CH3(B)组成的溶液放在一个带有活塞的圆筒中,温度保持 在20℃。开始时活塞上的压力较大,圆筒内为液体。若把活塞上的压 力逐渐减小,则溶液逐渐汽化。(1)求刚出现气相时蒸气的组成及总压; (2)求溶液几乎完全汽化时最后一滴溶液的组成及总压;(3)在汽化过 程中,若液相的组成变为xA=0.100,求此时液相及气相的数量
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一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.直线x-1=y=z-1 3-21与平面3x+4y-=2的位置关系是(C) (A)平行;(B)垂直;(C)直线在平面内;(D)相交但不垂直 =x2
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I. Explain the italicized words or phrases in the following sentences. (20%) 1. All languages are dynamic rather than static, and hence a\rule\in any language can only bea statement of contemporary practice
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Part I Vocabulary(30%) Section 1 Explain the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences. (20%) 1. A group of Chinese victims of World War ll armed with lawyers went to Japan to attest to the court
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I. Vocabulary(30%) Section 1 Explain the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences. (15%) 1. A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets. 2. The environmental problems they found in Poland were among the worst they encountered
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