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NMR supplement Hendrickson, W-A& Wuthrich, K Macromolecular 16. Leahy, D.J., Aukhil, I.& Erickson, H.P. 2.0 Cell 84 A K.D. thanks the Wellcome Trust and The queens 2D0i9 Riddiough. G. Nature Struct. Biol 18. sakaning. AK Kean. cel l8r.597-605i(eRw& by the Wellcome Trust. The authors acknowledge
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6 The noe effect c Gerd Gemmecker, 1999 Nuclear OVERHAUSER Effect(NOE): resonance line intensity changes caused by dipolare cross- relaxation from neighbouring spins with perturbed energy level populations To understand the nature of the NOE, we have to look at a two-spin system I' and
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该门课程属于必修专业课,请同学们认真学习,努力掌握! 水土流失( soil erosion and water loss)是指“在水力、风力、重力等外营力作用下,山丘区及风 沙区水土资源和土地生产力的破坏和损失。水土流失包括土壤侵蚀及水的损失,也称水土损失”(见 《中国大百科全书·水利卷》第400页)。土壤侵蚀的形式除雨滴油蚀、片蚀、细沟侵蚀以及滑坡等 形式侵蚀。水的损失一般是指植物截留损失、地面及水面蒸发损失、植物蒸腾损失、深层滲漏损 失、坡地径流损失
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Chapter 7 Network Security Computer Networking A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet, The power Point slides are based on the 2nd edition material provided by Jim Kurose, Keith Ross Lf Kurose and K.w. ross Addison-Wesley, July
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一、中国PMWS的发生与流行状况 二、PMWS的诊断 三、PMWS的防治
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一、中国PMWS的发生与流行状况 二、PMWS的诊断 三、PMWS的防治
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Chapter 5 Data Link Layer Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet The PowerPoint Slides are based on the material 2nd edition. provided by Jim Kurose, Keith Ross J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross
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Chapter 2 Application Layer Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach The PowerPoint Slides are based on Featuring the Internet, 2nd edition. the material provided by Jim Kurose, Keith Ross .F Kurose and K.W. Ross. Addison-Wesley, July
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§16-1 配合物的基本概念 The Basic Concepts of Complexes §16-2 配位化合物的同分异构现象 The Isomerism of Complexes §16-3 配合物的化学键理论 The ChemicalBond Theories of Complexes §16-4 配位平衡及配合物的稳定性 Coordination Equilibrium and Stabilization of Complexes
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