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第八章环境损害与效益的价值评估方法 第一节引言 1.环境损害与效益的价值评估方法的含义: 通过一定的手段,对环境资产(包括组成环境的要素、环境质量)所提供的物品或服务进行定量评估,并通常以货币的形式表征出来。对环境进行经济价值评估就是要衡量人们对环境物品或服务的偏好程度
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第十一章排污收费 第一节庇古税排污费 1.最优庇古税 1.1庇古税的含义 1920年,英国经济学家庇古在《福利经济学》一书中首先提出对污染征收税或费的想法。他建议,应当根据污染所造成的危害对排污者征税,用税收来弥 补私人成本和社会成本之间的差距,使二者相等,这就是“庇古税” 现在,人们把针对污染物排放所征收的各种税费统称为庇古税
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第十章环境经济政策 第一节有效率的污染水平 1.边际治理成本和边际损害成本 1.1决定环境容量有效利用(或者污染物有效排放)水平的两项关键因素是边际治理成本和边际损害成本
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第一章环境经济学的产生与发展 第一节复活节岛的兴衰 复活节岛是太平洋上一个偏僻荒凉的小岛,面积不足400km2,人口最多时也 不过7000人,它距最近的大陆——南美洲西海岸有3000km之多,距最近的有人居 住的岛屿——皮特凯恩岛也有近2000km之遥。但是它的一部文明兴衰史,却是昭 示人类未来的一面镜子。 考古学家证明,复活节岛曾经有过辉煌的文明。并认为复活节岛的居民属于波 利尼西亚人,公元5世纪到达复活节岛,当时已是全球大迁徙的晚期。公元5世纪 时,复活节岛上土壤肥沃,温度、湿度很高,但是水源奇缺,岛上无常年性河流 仅有的淡水来自死火山形成的湖。由于与世隔绝,生物物种很少,只有30种本地植 在家乡时主要食用鸡、猪、狗、波利尼西亚鼠以及甘薯、芋头、两波利尼西亚人 物、几种昆虫、两种蜥蜴,没有哺乳动物,岛周围水域中鱼也不多
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1适用范围 1.1本标准适用于生物(动物:如禽、畜、鱼蚯蚓;植物:如粮食、水果蔬菜、茶藕)中六六六、滴滴涕的分析。 1.2本法采用丙酮石油醚提取,以浓硫酸净化,用带电子捕获检测器的气相色谱仪测定。 1.3本方法的最低检测浓度为
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Topic 1: What is Corporate Finance?(cont 1 2 Financing Decisions In the previous section the focus was on investment decisions. It was assumed throughout that the firm was financed with equity. In this section we discuss financing decisions. As a prelude to this we will briefly discuss the notion of efficient
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This paper is an updated version of a previous working paper, Capital Budgeting in the Presence of Managerial Overconfidence and Optimism, by the same authors. Financial support by the Rodney L. white Center for Financial Research is gratefully acknowledged. The authors would like to thank Andrew Abel, Jonathan Berk, Domenico Cuoco, David Denis, Janice Eberly, Robert Goldstein, Peter Swan, and seminar
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the standard theory of co.apters 1 and 2 when we covered Modigliani-Miller As we discussed in the Ch apital structure that has been the mainstay of text- books is the trade-off theory This argues that the benefit of debt is the tax shield and the cost is the deadweight costs of bankruptcy. The tradi tional view was that these deadweight
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The term adverse selection comes originally from insurance applications. An insurance contract may attract high-risk individuals, with the result that the pool of insured customers may be riskier than the population at large Adverse selection is now used generically to describe situations of asymmet ric information, particularly market settings in which some individuals have private information about their characteristics and where the individuals
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Chapter 2 The Modigliani-Miller theorem \When capital markets are perfect and complete, corporate decisions are trivial.\ 2.1 Arrow-Debreu model with assets 2.1.1 Primitives
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