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1. 紧束缚近似的物理思想 2. Wannier函数 3. 孤立原子的波函数组成Bloch和 4. s电子紧束缚能带 5. 例:简单立方s电子的紧束缚能带 6. 紧束缚能带——LCAO方法
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1. 绝热近似Æ多电子Schoedinger方程 2. Hartree-Fock方程(Hartree, 1958, Fock, 1960) 3. 密度泛函理论(1964,W. Kohn)
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第一节汇编语言程序的编写方法 第二节汇编语言程序的汇编 第三节COF的一般概念 第四节目标文件的链接
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前面介绍了 Keil 软件的使用,从中我们可以看到 Keil 的强大功能,不过,对于初学者 来说,还有些不直观,调试过程中看到的是一些数值,并没有看到这些数值所引起的外围电 路的变化,例如数码管点亮、发光管发光等。为了让初学者更好地入门,笔者利用 Keil 提 供的 AGSI 接口开发了两块仿真 实验板
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第一节梯形图的特点及绘制原则 第二节PLC程序设计方法 第三节顺序控制设计方法中梯形图的编程方式
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§11.1 引 言 §11.2 系统的状态变量描述法 §11.3 由输入-输出方程求状态方程 §11.4 电系统状态方程的建立 §11.5 连续系统状态方程的复频域求解
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Electrical Engineering Textbook Series Richard C. Dorf, Series Editor University of California, Davis Forthcoming Titles Applied Vector Analysis Matiur Rahman and Issac Mulolani Optimal Control Systems Subbaram Naidu Continuous Signals and Systems with MATLAB Taan ElAli and Mohammad A. Karim
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[1] Abramowitz, M., and Stegun, I., Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover Pub￾lications, New York, 1965. [2] Adair, R., Concepts in Physics, Academic Press, New York, 1969. [3] Anderson, J., and Ryon, J., Electromagnetic Radiation in Accelerated Systems, Physical Review, vol. 181, no. 5, pp. 1765–1775, May 1969
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One of the most powerful tools for the analysis of electromagnetics problems is the integral solution to Maxwell’s equations formulated by Stratton and Chu [187, 188]. These authors used the vector Green’s theorem to solve for E˜ and H˜ in much the same way as is done in static fields with the scalar Green’s theorem. An alternative approach is to use the Lorentz reciprocity theorem of § 4.10.2, as done by Fradin [74]. The reciprocity
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5.1 Spatial symmetry decompositions Spatial symmetry can often be exploited to solve electromagnetics problems. For analytic solutions, symmetry can be used to reduce the number of boundary conditions that must be applied. For computer solutions the storage requirements can be reduced
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