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第一节桥梁在交通事业中的地位 第二节桥梁的组成与分类 桥梁造型
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第一节永久作用 第二节可变作用 第三节偶然作用 第四节作用效应组合
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第一节混凝土梁桥的特点 第二节梁桥的主要类型及其适用条件 第三节支座的类型和构造
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7-1装配式简支梁桥类型 7-2装配式钢筋混凝土简支ㄒ梁桥 7-3装配式预应力混凝土简支ㄒ梁桥
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一、交换概论 二、交换网络 三、程控数字电话交换与电话通信网 四、信令系统 五、分组交换与分组交换网
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通过对招募形式和方法途径的比较、对甄选基本原则的阐述以及技术 方法的介绍以及对我国国家公务员录用制度的简单介,目的是使大家对这部分内容要 有一个基本的了解
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2. 1 Saying what you do Fill in the blanks with a or an supervisor 6 manager 7 (2)Ⅴ tabular Look at the picture and label them with the job titles in the box ales manager
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Look at the question 1-5. In each question, which sentence is correct? For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, or C. The Supplies Department will provide overalls
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Unit 3 Companies 3.1 Describing a company (1)Vocabulary Look at the name of the countries and area in the box. Write the nationality of each under the correct heading below. Add two more examples to each group
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Unit 8 Plans 8.1 Discussing arrangements (1)Grammar Write sentences about these people's plans. attend meeting Tuesday morning (she) 2 lunch with new client/Friday(he) 3 go on training course /Wednesday afternoon (she)
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